Well the looping has begun, and yesterday some of the Fieldbase team loaded up their Bravo vehicle and headed out to the wonderful community of Multimoola, situated some three and half hours from Mysore. Our mission was not only to visit Charlie 1 but also to drop off Ali our roving reporter who will spend the next couple of days out and about.
As a newcomer to India the scenery continues to blow me away, and yesterday was no exception. The first part of our journey took us through the majestical Bandipur National Park, known for elephants and tigers, before we headed up to the mountains and into tea plantation territory. It was quite simply stunning and literally took my breath away. India never ceases to amaze me!
Charles leads the way in the digging stakes
When we got to Multimoola we were greeted by Charlie 1 who were hard at work digging in the toilets which will be attached to the houses Raleigh built over the Summer. Interestingly the girls, India, Laura, Nanette and Sam had finished their digging and had moved on to glamming up the existing toilet with paint they themselves purchased from a nearby village. The boys on the other hand, had called in PM Charlie to help them and were still hard at work (of course their hill was bigger, their ground harder etc etc!)
Everyone has settled in well, cleared out the creepy crawlies that inevitably inhabitat houses in small Indian communities, and set up a great campsite.
The local people are clearly delighted to have Charlie 1 to stay and are working incredibly hard right alongside them. Of course it is not all work, the cricket set is being put to good use, as is the nail polish brought by Laura and there is a constant background sound of laughing and giggling from the children as they get to know their foreign guests.
It was heartening to see just how much this group has accomplished in a very short time and how brilliantly they are doing as a group. You will have more updates from Charlie 1 in a couple of days when Ali gets back, until then keep the messages rolling in.
Country Expedition Manager
PS. As a late edition to this post, Charlie and David want to say a personal thank you to all the young people who are currently helping in Multimoola.
Lunch time - eaten on the veranda of the girl's house

Come on boys! Keep digging!
Charlie with the local Leader
Dave gets involved with henna - maybe stick to the building Dave!
Charles and Kit - hanging with the kids
Heyyyy anna
ReplyDeleteur amazing
ummmm something you can post hmmmmmm
lots of hugs and kissess
guess who !!!
To India ,Hi darling, lovely to see you hard at work..technology, amazing, who would have thought it..Love Dad and Nat xxx
ReplyDeleteHello Holly!
ReplyDeleteThis blogging is fantastic - so excited to get the updates. Sent nan and grandad a photo which they loved.
Went to Springfields with Dad yesterday - not much happening compared with your day - not a hill or an elephant in sight! Keeping Mel, Lynia, Helen, Liz and Andy updated - all send their best wishes Proud of you - love Mum XX
ReplyDeletehva såååååååå morten så skulle jeg da også lige efterlade en pinlig udenlandsk kommentar på bloggen.. jeg håber da den når ordentlig frem?? håber alting går rigtig fedt, det er mærkeligt ikke at kunne tale med dig (lige i face, mand!) men det her må vel være godt nok.. (glæder mig også til at finde ud af hvordan de gengiver æ,ø,å på computere i indien?? hmm..) siden jeg kun kan høre om hvad du går og laver gennem bloggen og det her er en rimelig ensrettede form for kommunikation så må jeg vel bare være totalt selv-glad og skrive om migselv! :) siden sidst er uni i andet år stadig pisse fedt, får DJede en masse og er endelig begyndt at tjene lidt ordentlige penge hvilket er mucho appreciated, og jeg har endelig fået SU! og mine moduler er meget mere politics-orienteret og derfor meget mere spændende.. tingene går også rigtig fedt i huset stadigvæk, amy er faldet ned og priya er stadig en isbjørn, så det er alles gut :) jeg er også holdt op med at tage crack og ryger kun 40 røde cecil om dagen (den var til mor og far som helt sikkert også læser det her hehehe).. nå men nok med alt mit abstrakte europa pis, det virker jo helt mærkeligt at høre om derhjemme nå man er så langt væk (sådan havde jeg det også, du ved, dengang jeg var i afrika, har jeg nogensinde fortalt dig om det??) og hvis du bliver i tvivl om nogle af opgaverne eller de nye volovenner i indien kan du altid bare installere kubansk kommunisme i din lille landsby og bede dem alle sammen om at PAGA LA PINCHA og ellers bare holde deres kæft!! :) nu må jeg smutte men håber at høre fra dig på en eller anden måde??? beeg hag leetle hag beeg keess leetle keess fra GUESS WHO?! omgomgomgomg..
Ma douce, quelles bonnes nouvelle ? C'est fun et pas trop dur, j'espère pour toi. Jereviens du congrèsde papa qui s'est tb passé.Il gèle la nuit ch nous, les fleurs ont gelé ! Tu nous manques, much love et kisses from mam
ReplyDeleteGeorgina Page,
ReplyDeleteHope you're having an amazing time out there. Will get letter posted this week to you! Worked out where the post office is here so that's a start. Have fun and see you soon, missing you lots!
Alice Taylor-Bennett
Anna Bannanna!!!!
ReplyDeleteI MISS YOU!!!! hope you are sweating it up nicely lady in charge.... can you come and see me over here very very soon though!! love you long time - Lisa
hi there chris braggs we have just posted our first letter to you me n libby so its on its way hope you ok, and looking after yourself and having fun miss u xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteTo Georgie Webb
ReplyDeleteHi Georgie darling - how's it going? Are you working hard, and how many tigers have you seen - and are they friendly? We think of you lots, and Sue and Tony send their love, also Jo and Mike, Liz and Tim, and Judy and co. Letters on their way. Have lots of fun, and take care. All our love, M & D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey Dr Hamilton! We want more pictures!! Glad to see you're having such a great time! Take care of yourself and enjoy! lots of love carli xx
ReplyDeletehi there chris braggs its morning here at 11.am dont know what it is there but libby comming here again on friday she loves you and told me to say roar rrrrrr lol we ok summer n ocean have colds but otherwise we ok your birthday on thursday and ben and i would of been together 4 years oh my long time hope you having great time hope to see more pics and blogs from you love from everyone have to say that or id be typing everyones names and there s to many miss you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteHey Page
ReplyDeleteHope you are having fun. letters on way from me, Dad, Grannie, Stacy, Abbie, Charlie and James so you will be inundated with them when they finally arrive! James coming for supper tomorrow so will catch up with his news.Loads of people following blogs so keep posting when you can. Love you loads Mum xxxxxxxxxxxx
msg for James Eyles (Echo 4)
ReplyDeleteA letter is on it's way..
Love Holly xx
chris braggs hi theres libby and i gassing on msn and she missing you like crazy hope you ok and have you seen any tigers yet your fav animal you taken any pics cant wait to see them xxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteHi charlotte ,
ReplyDeleteThis is Sekhar(09I) from Agra,How is it going there?,Lovely to see you and i hope u r having amzaing time once again with new ventureres and multimoola village.Next time i wann see your muscular Picture be prepare fr that and take care of urself.
Hi Samantha, looks like you're enjoying it out there. It's nice to see your smiling face. Take care,
ReplyDeleteLots of Luv,
Mummy Flood
Hi Charles this is Mary Anne from Buckinghamshire i have just seen the photos - it looks like an amazing place and that you are having loads of great experiences. i look forward to heaaring all about it!
ReplyDeleteyour father is staying with us tonight. he is on great form. we are about to eat phesant casserole and smoked salmon! hoepfuly he will sleep well!
For Laura White, Charlie one glam girl
ReplyDeleteGO GIRL !!!!!! :-)))
Hi Inida!!
ReplyDeleteHaha, seen a few pictures of you on here! Good to see you're doing some work! Thanks for facebook comment, had a good bday but didnt do anything eventful! Absolutely nothing has been happening here, there is literally no one around anymore, so boring! How has it been, cant believe your out there, looks amazing, so jealous, home is so bad! Anyway theres not really much to say, but i will def write again soon when theres more going on. Take care man, and write back if you get a chance! Love you, Steelee xxxxx
a message for charlotte, hi sis i can see you are hard at work frim the blog and the pictures,hope you are well,every one back home is well and misses you,keep up the good work sis,love and kisses,from leanne,cris,kiaran,casey and meow from jessie.xxx
ReplyDeleteHI, got your letter today , sounds like you're having a fab time, not too sure about the snakes and chicken though! Remember to take lots of photos, I can't wait to see them. Are you having a halloween party? I'm off to Linda's on Saturday
night but dad's working.
I check out the blogspot regularly so keep in touch, much love mumXXXX
Kære, kære Morten!
ReplyDeleteAner ikke om den 1. kommentar gik igennem, mænd for en sikkerheds skyld Endnu et mega STORT tillykke med din dag.
Vi prøver igen den 4.. november
Flere knus fra farfar og Dina
ReplyDeleteLekker toiletten graven! You go girl :P
Ik ben nu al de blogs aan het bezichtigen, het ziet er allemaal zo cool uit! En heet..! Hier is het maar saai regenachtig weer in Bristol en we hebben geen mooie palmbomen :( Leuk dat je nu ontvangst hebt, kun je me zo met vanalles op de hoogte houden!
Ik was dit weekend in London en heb een indiase bruiloftsstoet gezien! Mooie gewaden :P
xxxxx Lin
hello john springate atletico madrid 2 chelsea 2 drogba 2 been to the old dog tonight with dave and geraldine they are here now reading your blogs any news are you having a good time love mum and dad