Charlie 1 - 'Magical Multilmoola'
My first stop was Charlie 1 in Multilmoola where they are making fantastic progress on the school building. I had a great time helping out for the day and working with the group alongside the villagers to shift concrete bricks and sand down a steep hill into the village. I was blown away by the strength of the women in the village who carry huge rocks on their heads without even breaking into a sweat; I was struggling with a bandolee (shallow Indian bucket) of sand!
During the day the group are provided with fantastic chai and simple but delicious meals complete with poppadums and chutney. It’s safe to say I was sad to leave but will be looking forward to returning later in the expedition to see what it such a worthwhile project in a truly wonderful community.
Charlie 1 next to the foundations of the school
Echo 5 - 'Abseiling caterpillars and a lizard in the long-drop!'
Echo 5 meet an elephant calf
Matt and Louis working in the EPT
The forest where they are based is more beautiful than I imagined it would be and it felt such a privilege to be allowed to work and stay there. Although we didn’t see any elephants while I was there we heard them during the night so it’s a good job the group are working hard digging out the Elephant Proof Trench around the camp! They have already cleared and deepened one side to the front of the ranger’s building and have also started digging foundations for the toilet block at the rear.
Left to Right: Andrea, Georgie Page, Kate, Christina and Morten
I absolutely loved this project; the group are working so well together in what many people would find a difficult and challenging environment but they make it look easy. No one was phased by drinking lake water or having to dodge the poisonous caterpillars that abseil down from the trees. I on the other hand am hoping the lizard in the long drop has found a new home by the time I return!Echo 4 - 'Snakes and Bamboo Ladders'
My last night in the forest was spent with Echo 4 who are renovating the 100 year-old guest house so it can be used as a Ranger's Station.
Myself, Claire and Andrea, who came to join me from fieldbase, were greeted in amazing style by the group whose faultless hospitality extended to collecting us water from the nearby pump so we could ‘shower’ whilst watching the sunset behind the trees (a personal high-light for me!). That night we had games of mafia and beautiful music provided by Luke and Amy.
The next day saw massive progress with the careful removal of all the original tiles from the roof of the house by a chain of steady hands. The original plaster had already been stripped away prior to us arriving.
Meanwhile another group were deepening the Elephant Proof Trench around the camp (Below left: Tor, Amy and Jamie).
That’s all from me for a while so I’ll hand over to those doing all the hard work for their messages to you at home…….
Til Alle, Hej fra Morten her I Indien. Alt fantastisk og kan umuligt skrive alt her. Bor lige nu I midten af jungle I tre uger uden kontakt med omverden. Er faerdig circa 4 November, saa taenk paa mig den 30! Skal nok skrive mere til den tid, haaber alle hard et godt. Massere af kaeruge hilsner fra Bandipur National Park fra Morten. P.S. Der gaar vilde elefanter rundt bare 100m fra lejren! Kys og kram til Mor, Far, Anders, Martin og Niki, O.S.V.
Hi Mum, Dad, Tom and any other friends / relations reading this blog. I’m having a great time in an anti-poaching camp in the middle of the jungle, living in harmony with elephants and even tigers! Hope you’re all impressed. Lots of digging and carrying and have learnt some Kannada (the local language). Have a great half term and party; have written you a letter but it won’t be there for a while. Lots of love, Amy xxx
Hi Mum, Dad, Kate, Lindsey and Chris, Having a great time, very hot though! Living in Bandipur National Park, pretty amazing, elephants a plenty and potentially tigers. Drinking lake water, mmm! Have been into Mysore on rickshaws, swam in a reservoir and drank some insanely sweet coffee and chai. Hope you’re all doing great, loved the message Kate, keep ‘em coming – Faustus info! Lots of Love Matthew xxx
Hi Mum, Dad, Suzanne and David, Just a quick note to say I’m fine and currently based in Bandipur National Park at an anti-poaching camp which is literally in the middle of nowhere. Our group and the rangers are the only people allowed in the park so it is pretty humbling as you can imagine. I have seen and heard so many wild animals, particularly wild elephants which are really intriguing and slightly menacing especially when they stare straight at you! I have so many things to talk about so will attempt a letter (apparently it takes ten days to send a letter to the UK). Hope your all well and keep checking the blog for news! Lots of love John xxx!
Hello Mum, Dad, G, Gill, Alec and anyone else I know reading this blog! Having an amazing time, I’m loving living in the jungle (surprisingly!) Our group have bonded really quickly and everyone is getting on really well. G – I hope work is going alright and you have had some spare time for your bike! I’m missing you loads and looking forward to a letter? So get writing…. Frog – missing you Hope schools been alright, you will have to let me know how hail and Nathan are getting on? I am writing letters it just seems to be taking me ages since we have been so busy. Miss you all, lots of love Christina xxxxx
Dear M, D, C, A & J, I have just read all your blogs, it’s so nice to hear from all of you. Have already seen several elephants quite close but no tigers…. Yet! Really want to see one but not sure for how long! Our bashers are very comfy. Digging elephant trenches has been hot, sweaty and muddy work! For Divali we have gone away for the night and the food was amazing and the shower very much needed! Echo 5 is an awesome group, I get on so well with them. James – I hope 19th was ok wish I could have text. Say Happy Birthday to your mum for 20th. Hands off my wardrobe! Love you all loads, Georgie P xxxxxx
To Mum, Dad, Max and Polly, Missing you all loads and looking forward to hearing from you. Having a wicked time here and making the most of it all. Hope your individual ventures are going ok. Had a luxurious night with a roof and some great Diwali food, along with a real shower! I also love my basha in the jungle, surprisingly comfy. Hope my letters don’t take too long to reach you. Missing you all and lots of love, Louis xxx PS Happy Birthday dad! Hope it’s awesome and enjoy yourself lots.
Hi all, Hope you are all well. Having an amazing time out here in the depths of the forest. Seen elephants everyday. Our camp is getting really homely now, we’re working on a basketball net at the moment!! Missing you all, any football news?! Love Kate xxx
Hey Dan, we’re living in a funky jungle camp, sleeping in bashas and dodging elephants! There’s wildlife everywhere and we’re working really hard on the trenches. I’m so muddy! I miss you lots, can’t wait to see you again, Love Frankie xxx PS There’s a lizard in our longdrop!
To Webbie Parents and Sister, Having a wild time in the jungle digging trenches; we are almost elephant proof. It’s quite similar to living at home with all the trees except with dangerous animals. Not to worry though. Missing you all. Much love, Georgie W xxx
Hello Mothership, Sara, Dad, Hunter Townleys and Egg-Heads, I’m having an amazing time here – saw first elephant yesterday! Maybe it was Ellie in disguise!! Missing Sultana Bran for breakfast most out of everything, but having a shower and toilet in our camp that is open to the forest is unbeatable! Speak soon, Love Tor xxx J P.S. Wish Ferdy luck with the trials and Lauren with the operation. P.P.S. Everyone in Echo 4 thinks I eat a hell of a lot – I’ve become the camp dustbin – it must be the Jewish mother in you feeding me up!
To Mum (Juliette Prodger), Hiya, been getting all blog messages – so many LOL. Keep going – very uplifting when receiving them. India is good, doesn’t feel any different apart from no-one to turn to. Enjoying myself truly. Good experiences and I’m glad I managed to be able to be part of it. Run out of money as well LOL, Help! Don’t have to though. Missing everyone lots, can’t wait to get some of my groups pictures on blog. Lots of love Crimbo.
To Mam, Thank you for my birthday card and the messages/updates. I can’t describe what India is like in words, you’ll have to wait for the pictures. Hope you are ok and say hello back to the boys for me. Get them to write a message on here. Let Jamie and Co know about the blog, as I didn’t tell them. Looking forward and all to your letter J - Dad, glad to hear the operation went well and hope you’re back surfing soon. Hope you had a nice birthday and everyone is ok your end. -Thanks to both of you for the birthday messages – it was amazing. Love to you both, Luke x
Hey I’ve finally managed to get a message on the blog. I read your last message the 3 miles sounded very stressful particularly the chocolate cake at the end. I’m sure you managed to force it down. Hmm you should be more easy on Caleigh I’m sure she was being dragged by the end. I have now discovered that I sleepwalk and have started to play human buckaroo. It is so cool to be out here, I’m having the time of my life. I don’t need more shorts I can manage fine without them! Pass my love to Holly see if you can get her to post on the blog. Love Jammy Dodger x (I can convert trousers to shorts J )
Hi Hamiltons, India is amazing. I am writing this in a little book by the campfire in the forest – and the message is electrically sent to you – how clever! Hope you are all well, let me know the news from home (via blog) Lots of love, Amy xxx
Hey guys, This is gonna be my last message for a while... The PR team are here now so you’ll have lots of pictures soon! The work is going really quick... we’ve been told we might have to slow down!!! Gotta run – the ricebags are ready (our daily lunch...) Much love to you all, Mikey
For Georgie P
ReplyDeleteSo great to see more photos and hear news about what you are up to. You're looking good girl and great to get your blog - hope you get our letters soon. Loads of people asking after you and they are all checking your progress on blog so keep it coming! Postal strike this end so may take a while for letters to get to you but will keep sending anyways.
Loads of love Mum and Dad xxx
Hey Anna,
ReplyDeleteI left a note on facebook for you but not sure if you've had access. Well done with the new job, your Raleigh adventure continues! I'm really pleased for you (and slightly jealous). Anyway stay in touch James Bader x.
Hi Bill - Just seen the first blog from your group - Not sure about the new head gear in the photo and Mum reckoned you needed a shower! sounds like you are having a serious trip!! Surf was 15ft and clean yesterday - absolutely spectacular. Hope you get to see a tiger - get real close for the picture!!
ReplyDeleteLots of love from us all Mum and Dad
Hello from Raleigh Headquarters. I hope you are all having a great time.
ReplyDeleteLooks as tho' everyone is enjoying the 'good life' meanwhile the clocks are going back here in Blighty.
ReplyDeleteTell Chloe the dog and cat are fine and going into their winter mode(ie.eating and sleeping) altho Pepper occasionally rouses himself and practically knocks himself out chasing greedy squirrels. Aged parents are getting to grips with blogging - Raleigh even educates parents!! lol M + D
Hi Matt, saw your message!
ReplyDeleteI AM SO JEALOUS! Seriously, do you need any more elephants? frankly greedy... :p Haha. Seen the pic of you trenching away in front of your camp, looking good! You're camp's pretty neat too, much more professional looking than anything we ever managed! Anyone had a basher snap in the middle of the night yet? Fun fun times. :)
Faustus makes me want to utter SO many expletives. How was I supposed to know directing was going to be stressful? *ahem* No actually it's going pretty well, got an incredible cast, and still four more weeks to go, so not panicking just yet! :s
I'll send you a facebook message so I stop clogging up this comment space!
Love you loads, keep up the good work!
Hugs, Kate xxxx
Hi Holly,great surprise to get your email - printed it off and dashed to show Liz. What a wonderful experience at the temple - you've so much exciting news to share - good luck with the cook off. Thrilled and proud you made the mountain challenge! Letter on the way - but there's a postal strike. Dad came for ukes earlier. All fine here and hols just started - great. Love MumXX
ReplyDeletechris braggs great to hear from you no mention of wether they sang happy birthday looks like youve lost some weight, your pube face is comming along great say libby lol. she with me again this week. for half term she missing you like crazy. i would send you money but not sure were to start from have you got your letters from libby and me yet. let us now get in more pictures. love you mum ben and family we so proud of you we all are.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeletewe keep sending you chris braggs everyday so hope you get them keep blogging libby and us and get in more pics keep up the good work love all we so proud of you.xxxxxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteello chris. im spending the half term with yourr mumm and familyy.. better then being at home. :) i love your housee... :) really proud off youu bubb.. only another another 7weeks until i see youu againn, but i might have braces by then :O
ReplyDeletesoo looks like i wont be eating your xmas dinnerr unless youu wunna make me a xmas smoothiee. please take care off yourself. i really lovee youu bubbss.. :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Libby. rawrrrr xx
Hi Luke, thanks for your message it was great to hear from you! Glad to see you've not forgoten to take music with you into the forest. Mr Smart rang last week to see how you were and he sends his best wishes. Will let everyone know about the blog and hopefully they will work out how to use it!!! Have sent a few letters hope they arrive ok. Keep up the good work, we're all very proud of you. Much love Mum xxx
ReplyDeleteHi Luke, got this off your facebook from Jamie:
ReplyDeleteRight then mate, where to start?? Well happy birthday. God knows where you are or what you're doing but I hope you're having fun. I'm guessing you haven't been keeping up with the sport so I thought I'd fill you in!
So England... lost to Ukraine. Apparently Rio messed up, causing Green to be sent off, leading to Shevchenko missing a penalty, resulting in Ashely Cole deflecting in a goal! 1-0. But I'll be honest I didn't see any of it. But we beat Belarus 3-0 so 9/10 wins isn't too bad.
On the domestic front, today was a great day! Villa beat Chelsea 2-1, after Mike had traveled all the way down to Birmingham to watch the match too! Then we beat Bolton 2-1 without Rooney, which was nice. And to top it off, Liverpool lost to Sunderland thanks to one of the funniest goals you'll ever see!
Anyway that's about it. I hope you're having fun. Take care buddy.
Hello John Emmerson
ReplyDeleteMum and Nat here. You look really well and happy. I bet you just love the food. Have got Tom, Ashley, Phoebe and Cleo here at the moment. Chey being a pain...
Love you lots
Hi John,
Don't worry, no changes here, your Mum's cooking is still great!!! She made me the best birthday cake ever last week, it was so great it didn't rise so looked more like a giant cookie.
Hi Jam Dodger,
ReplyDeleteGreat stuff! Looks like Echo 4 is making a real difference to the ranger's station. I will email Holly and let her know about the Blog. Aunty Lianny is asking after you. We are all very excited about the family holiday at Christmas and of'll be home! Dad and I will be going for another long walk this weekend, not quite as strenous as what you are up to...and there is always cake at the end! Sleepwalking??? Buckaroo??? Is this dangerous? Please take care.
Really glad to know you are thoroughly enjoying yourself.
Miss you and post a blog when you can.
Mum,dad and ...woof...woof!
ReplyDeletegood morning chris braggs all up late here lol bet you up at the crack of dawn missing you love mum xxxxxxx postal strike this end as well for few days
ReplyDeleteFor Georgie Webb.
ReplyDeleteHi there sweetheart. Great to get your message. Just managed to spot you in one of the pics - I'd know those feet anywhere. You think the animals are dangerous out there? You haven't seen our squirrels lateley! What is your basher like? We are missing you too and will be sending another letter soon with our news,although there is not a lot happening at the moment so you are not missing much. Sasha and Livvy expected tomorrow for a couple of days. Keep safe, and loads of love, Mummy and Daddy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Heyy Chris. :) Hope Youu Having Funn. Cuddling My Teddy More Then Eva. :) Missing Youu Lots, Keep Up The Good Work. Lotsa Loveage. Rawrrr. Libby xxx
ReplyDeleteTORDOG! I've sent you know letter yet, sorry, i'm a bad sister, will have lots of Celtic/Mozza/REM news for you plus some *ahem* Hazza Pazza... Normal. Daddiji is in Loughborough with me at the moment living the highlife in the midlands so i'm going to pass over to him to write something. Hope you are good, I will post your letter on Monday I PROMISE! Love from you favouritest sister....!
ReplyDeleteHi Matey! Hope you got my letter .... I'm having a great time with Sara B in sunny Loughborough!Met Tom today today,he's great!! Sounds like youre having an amazing time, lots and lots of love, Daddy xxxx
CHRIS BRAGGS CHRIS BRAGGS CHRIS BRAGGS CHRIS BRAGGS CHRIS BRAGGS CHRIS BRAGGS CHRIS BRAGGS CHRIS BRAGGS CHRIS BRAGGS CHRIS BRAGGS CHRIS BRAGGS It's Jonathan :D I miss you so so so much :D YEEAAAAAHHHH :D Curry? Yes! More curry? Yes! I have actually written you a letter or too even though I have NO TIME AT ALL CUS OF WORK AND COLLEGE but i cannot figure out how to send them to india :S I hope your doing well and I hope you are doing well, can't wait to see you again. Yeaaaaaahh SPIDERMAN
ReplyDeleteTo Colin, Aka codgie, alrite bud, hope you are keeping well and enjoyin yourself! its strange without you here, only seen 1 photo with you in so far so get snappin lol. it looks so lovely and warm, over here rite now its terrential wind and rain, winters definately on its way!! you'l be so fit and healthy when u cum back ul b runnin marathons wi Jaime!!lol I'll go the now and have a wee skek in a few days, take care from Chelle xx
ReplyDeleteHey Mikey, so echo 4 is working fast and enthusiastically ... very much your style! it's really great to see you in the pics. thanks for your message too. were you on the roof? digging the elephant proof trench? have you seen any wild animals? i'm so proud of you and so glad that you are doing work that inspires you. grandma said she'll try and send a message. alex is coming home next weekend for a couple of days so can keep her driving skills up to scratch .. but not in my car ... don't want any scratches along the devon lanes. i'm off to m course in plymouth for a week, so won't be able to see this blog till next weekend. sending so much love, mum xxxx
ReplyDeleteHi Nicky
ReplyDeletesaw pictures. Very cool in those socks. Went to the christening and saw Nic and sophia- they all well. How was Diwali.
Hey Christina, fab to see photos of you on here digging away! I'll be writing a letter to you over the next few days.... I intend to make it as interesting as possible! No news here really apart from everyone is obsessed by X Factor! Hope to hear from you soon, loads of love Gill xxxx
ReplyDeleteHeyy Chris Braggs. Guess who. =P
ReplyDeleteIts only 51days until your home. :)
hehehee, yes im still counting. i hope when you get my letter it makes your day better. :)
shud be getting it some.. :) and i want one backk. :)
have youu seen any animals yet? i heard about tigers being around.. and i no how you love tigers. :)
hope your having a good time.
im still waiting for youu. :)
love you so muchh babyy.
Rawrrrrriess. ;) Libby xxx
To India Letcher Charlie One.Hi India so good to have seen your smiling happy face,u seem to be working v hard but seem to have lots oflovely friends doing their share.Written to u twice hope u recieve the cards. Going to Marjorca on the 3rd of Nov. Ros moving out same day we all miss u loads take good re as always much love Nanny xxxxx
ReplyDeleteHello Amy, the whole Graham family is here and we've just been to Stourhead. Lunch in the Spread Eagle and a great walk in the Autumn sunshine. We have been stunned by your proximity to the elephant on the photo as well as the references to lake water, poisonous caterpillars and tigers! Has this been a steep learning curve? Sheffield on Wednesday ro see if Grandma and Val have grasped the principle of the internet (and indeed the blog.)
ReplyDeleteMuch love Mum and the team xxx
Georgie W: hi darling, Sash, Liv, Shadow, Gnash and I are at G and J's with grandad for supper. It's half term and we are at the Mill, girls riding for 2 days. Grandad sends lots and lots of love. Been looking at the photos of your trip: looks fab - the baby elephant looks really sweet...not so keen on the sound of the poisonous caterpillars.....! Birthday girl sends her love to another nearly birthday girl. Keep well and have lots and lots of fun. Much love Judy, Sash, Livs, Grandad and Bill (+ Gnasher and Shadow) xxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteFor Louis Nerurkar
ReplyDeleteLovely to see you with baby elephant and digging out EPT - took me a while to work out that meant elephant proof trench - not part of my everyday vocabulary in Wortley. Life here continues very much as usual. Although the trees in the woods are fabulous autumn colours we are moving into grey old autumn weather and just seeing the bright light in the Indian jungle makes me very jealous. Max has been to 2 gigs last week including Rev and the Makers last night - where he managed to get to the front row and said they were fantastic. Dad keeps pinching your car so you may notice a slight increase in mileage when you get back! Letters are in the post but post here is erratic with intermittent strikes and as we know the post can be erratic at the Indian end so hope they reach you. Keeping an eye on the blog and look forward to hearing more when you are back in electronic contact as well as when letters arrive. Love you loads and missing you of course. Mum xxxxxx . New title for S. Indian film ' Elephant proof trench' , plot: '3 elephants try and escape domestic duties and escape...tears follow' aboriginies in Rabbit proof fence...looks like an awesome project. Missing you lots, Max stepping up to fill some of the gaps you left, helping Mum and me. He was full of front of queue stories from Carling academy last night, but he mainly reported 'Louis will be raight jealous'. love you. Continue the hard work and fun xxx Dad .
Hi Nicky! It's good to see all the lovely things you are getting up to! Been to see Daddy and he is enjoying reading this blog too and sends his love! Hope you keep having a fantastic time and have been receiving our letters!!! Lots of Love Anita and Mummy xxxxx
ReplyDeleteMessage from The Mothership...loved the blog - looking at it on the Mac out here with me in Antiparos...yes I made it to Greece! Jeannie and Cat have been out to Cochin and the Cardamon Hills where they went on a painting course so they loved seeing the blog - Cat has lots of great photos - have you taken many? We return Wednesday when I will write to you again. Oh, guess's pouring with rain here!!!! Loads of love xxxx
ReplyDeleteCoucou Clairon,
ReplyDeleteComment ça se passe au pays des éléphants? Toujours aussi enthhousiaste malgré la chaleur accablante? Je suppose que tu y passera encore 1 semaine avant de changer de mission. Ici tout va bien, et la fête continue. Ai eu mon congrès annuel des DH à BXL- grand succès! Puis suis allé à Ciergnon, où jai vu ton pote Joachim et toute un bande de jeunes copains de M.-Laura, dont Diane de M., Philippe & Marie de L.S. etc... Avons eu ramassette hier avec Josz & Théthé Renesse. Zip très bien travaillé, mais crevée le soir. Tu lui manque aussi!
Allons tous à Marakech à Noël, car Ma a gagné à une tombola 1 semaine ds maison Martine Lhoist. Tous les voisins seront là + les Brissac au Club M. gros kiss à toi & bonne continuation, Pî.
hi there chris braggs have had a great evening it was an all nighter had john here and libby and went to bed at 10.45am this morning hope you ok, dont know how to send money in let us know.we all say hi andrew and eleanor say hello as well (dont ask questions) fill you in when you get home really funny lol hows the elephants hopefully not keep you awake keep up the good work try and get rid of your pube face says libby lol love
ReplyDeleteJust realised you are digging a Ha Ha...will email the blog to Hills and Dangerous Dave!!!! xxxx
ReplyDeleteWe want to know how the Power Monkey is performing?! Full report please! xxxx
ReplyDeleteBertie Says "Hi Amy, have you seen any taranchullas yet?" Vicky Says "I like the baby elephant" Ed Says "Hope you are having a nice time". Hope you are enjoying the experience and very much looking forward to hearing all about it and seeing your photos when you get home. Lots of love from us all xxx
ReplyDeleteHey Kate,
ReplyDeleteGlad all going well. The pics always seem to involve mud, a shovel and a big smile.. very good news!! Haven't given any football results as there's no good news. Still awaiting a victory for the mighty Tigers. But, on better news Bon Jovi are touring the O2 in June. On half term at the mo so all cool and I got my wedding dress!! Lots of love, and keep digging! Lu and Ali gold star!
Hey Luke,
ReplyDeleteHope you are having an awesome time, cant wait to see the pics of India and the project. Be safe and have a brilliant time man. We can have a few bday drinks when you get back, have had Swine flu for most of my birthday week. So we need to celebrate when you return safely
All the best, Neil.
Hi Georgie, here is your godmother doing the "email" thing! Saw your folks and C and A yesterday - was walkin dogs at beach - then Teasel tired Monty out in your garden!!! V V proud of what you are doing! Snail mail - haven't sent as many as hoped - and poss strike may delay too - but thinking of you loads!Half term so ...marking!!!! lots of lovexx
ReplyDeleteUsual chaos here. We check every day for news from you all. Loved the last one and photos. A went to Weymouth last weekend but did not sail much because of strong winds. The Ortons ended up with the cat with them that had stowed away in the boat trailer! A has just gone up to stay with Ollie! Mum and I have been filling holes in the lane. What fun. C is working hard and practicing a dance routine for the fashion show. Off to Rome on thursday. Love from all D,M,C,A. XXXX
Heyy Christopher Andrew John Braggs.
ReplyDeleteHope your day has been as good as mine. :) ive met your auntie Laura. :) she a lovely lady, ive had postive feedback off wat youu been telling people about me. :) awww your such a cutie, and wat your mums said to me.. awrrhh makes my heart melt. :)
only 49days now. :)
summer was telling she wanted to marry me and dance with me.. little cutiee. :P
Cant wait too see more pictures of youu. :)
i see your pubeface is coming along nicely nicely. :P hehehe. well i right to youu tomorrah. :)
Lodsaaa love.. Libby. RAWWRRRR ^-^ x
Hi Luke
ReplyDeleteHope you are enjoying the experience, and that you had a great birthday im sure it would be different to the usual style! in a far off land away from this Island of cold, wet weather. take care look forward to seing your pics when you return
enjoy love Jean x
hello john in echo 5 football news chelsea 5 blackburn 0 lamps 2 drogba essien and og joe played and was very good liverpool beat united 2-0 arsenal drew with west ham we are two points clear suzanne got the new job going to the ivory rooms tomorrow for her birthday no elephants there unlike where you are love mum and dad
ReplyDeleteMother Goose says...
ReplyDeleteTo Maddy - Hey there little one can't wait to hear what Tango 6 have been upto on your rafting and treking expedition. The news and pics are a great way to share what you are all doing. Grandad H has put you photos on his wall and both Grandmas are so proud!! Mollie and Kevin have been following your news too and have been trying to add a comment on the blog so watch this space.Jenni and Danny getting ready for Dubai they fly this weekend and then it will be Really quiet in the house (will have to get another dog!!)
Have just about tidied the 2 bedrooms and you can actually see the bedding! Anyway take care and enjoy yourself all our love Mum, Dad and all the familyxxxx
Morning there Chris Braggs. It's 11am and I'm up, had a good night kip. Your Libby is a wonderful girl, we love her too, so you will have to share her now, lol. Ocean and Summer and all say hello. Well I'm off to the dentist today we gonna have a little buffet halloween party but no masks you know what summers like with mask. Missing you love mum ben and family. xxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteThats so you know its for you rather than looking down the list... wat gwanin.. sounds like your aving a sweet time!! no epcots!! ha unlucky.. remember my leaf thats an essential ye!! any snake bites yet? how bout twiglets they still part of your everyday life... ha twiglets... this is like a coded message...anyway hope alls good. jus got bk from cornwall wiv libby was sweet did lodza surfing not as good as ives tho... ive beeen in car all day and getting bored of this soo yeh see you when your back and love you xxxxxx
hi louis, glad to see all going well! im in a dogey internet çafe at the mo so it will be a miriçal if this gets through ços the power is pritty intermittent, and i~ve got a letter for you but i çant find a post offiçe in this çrazy plaçe but will keep looking!
ReplyDeletealls going well over here, my portuguese is still rubbish whiçh çreats many a hilarious lost in translation moments but should hopefully get better, and everyone is lovely so look after me even though they çant understand me lol
hope your having an amazing time! it looks so good! im so jealous of your elephant sightings, all i get is huge çoçkroaçhes and mossies.... enjoy it all! :) love pollyxxx
Hi Luke. Glad you having a brill time. Not too sure about the beard though - get a shave!! We are on school holiday. Been to the zoo and saw lots of cheeky monkeys. Having a halloween party on Saturday - wwhooooo!!!! Hope you are looking after yourself and working hard in India, do you have lots of batteries for your camera as we want to see some piccies. Mum says hi - she says you need to eat something cos you look like a skeleton - Ha Ha. Take care and have fun. From Charlie and Billy.
ReplyDeleteHi Jammy
ReplyDeleteReally good to see the pics of you guys getting stuck in.
We are so pleased to hear that you are having a good time...can't believe that nearly three weeks have gone by so quickly.
Went to London Palladium for charity comedy night last Sunday with uncle Geoff, Bryan and was very good and with lots of well known comedians that you see on live at the Appolo gigs.
Phil told me Danny is off to Uni the same time as you he is also having a gap year.
Do take care and we are all missing you and please keep us informed when you get a moment.
Keston HQ XXX
ReplyDeleteLove the photos and the camp looks brilliant - it reminds me a bit of when we camped in Borneo though your basha looks alot more comfortable than the hammocks we slept in then. Max making the most of half term and skating almost continually - snapped a board so it was board replacement instead of shoes for a change.! Like the elephant but can see that sweet as it looks even that small elephant trampling through camp would be a nightmare hence need for your trench - looks like you'll be quite an expert digger when you get back - lucky we got such a big garden for you to keep your digging skills up to scratch! Not surprised Polly is jealous of elephant sightings - I absolutely hate those huge S American cockroaches - they are huge and even a little bit scary tho you know they cant do anything. And they make a really loud yucky crunch if you tread on them! New postal strike today so goodness only knows when or indeed whether all my letters will reach you tho yours has reached us - it was fab and really gave a great picture of what the whole project is like. Love you loads . Mum (and love from Dad as well) xxxxxxxx
Hi Kit (Charle 1),
ReplyDeleteHey how u doing? Should hv loads of fun! Enjoy & take care!
Hej Morten,
ReplyDeleteNu er det blevet d. 30/10, så jeg kan formelt sige tillykke med dagen, selvom du nok ikke læser denne besked, før du er tilbage fra dit første ophold. Det år man fylder 19 år, får man faktisk rigtig mange gaver, dog skal man være hjemme hos mor og far, så desværre ingen held igen i år!!!! Gør det nu heller ikke til en vane at være væk på din specielle dag. I år er det OK, hvis du så lover at du er hjemme de næste 18 år, så vi kan fejre dig på rigtig Jacobsen maner :-))
Her går alt godt og heldigvis fremad med vores byggeri, selvom det nok bliver 2-3 uger forsinket. Til gengæld bliver det rigtig godt og vi glæder os til at flytte ind snart. Niki og din ven Bella ligger og sover ved siden af mig i øjeblikket, men før de gik i seng, bad de mig også sende dig et vuf, vuf og miaou, miaou, som vist betyder, tillykke med de 19 år og vi vil gerne se elefanterne sammen med dig, selv om de er king size, selv som babyer!
Jeg glæder mig til at høre fra dig når du kommer tilbage fra dit første ophold, så ring/skriv endelig. Knus xxxooxxsoo Far
ReplyDeleteSo good to keep seeing the photo's. mum and I are envious as anything. It all looks so amazing. Good to get the facebook message vai Sophie. Even saw her reply! We have got the gang coming round for a Halloween Prty tomorrow likely to get a bit crazy! Sophie in Paris and back tonight to a newly painted room; almost de cluttered.
By the way you think the loo holes were big; wait until you se the elephant trenches!!!
Have a great time and drink in all the experiences. All love, Dad, Mum and Soph
PS SD card on order. Will post asap.
ReplyDeleteHej søde Morten, jeg havde sendt dig en lang blogbesked i onsdags med en tidlig fødselsdagshilsen, men med mine sædvanlige brilliante computerevner, er den ikke kommet på bloggen ÆV. Så NU prøver jeg igen! Tusind gange tillykke med fødselsdagen idag, skat, Niki var helt hjemløs imorges, da hun ikke skulle ind til sengen og vække dig med hendes gennemtyggede flag :-)) Jeg savner dig meget, men ekstra meget idag, og jeg håber dine nye venner får fejret dig, som du fortjener, selvom de nok ikke helt kan leve op til vores standarder, he-he!! Kig op mod himlen idag, for så vil du se 1000 kys komme flyvende fra din gamle mor, som tænker på dig og glæder sig til at fejre dig, når du kommer hjem! Baywatch må du stadig forhandle med far om, he-he....Vi har også skrevet fødselsdagsbrev til dig for længe siden, jeg håber det når frem til dig i tide!Prøv at komme til en computer, når du kommer tilbage 4/11, så kan vi fortælle mere om vores overraskelse til juleferien, som Martin vist allerede har nævnt. Pas på dig selv og sug hvert øjeblik til dig! Store våde kys din moar
to Amy,
ReplyDeletehi hope you are having a great time in India.Everyone says hi!Everything seems very cool.
Are the abseiling catapillars scary????????(says fiona)
Have you eaten much curry/spicy food?(says rachel)
We have sent you another letter in the post(says mum)
Fiona Rachel,Auntie Gillian & Uncle Paul
Hi doucette, cool de voir des photos de mafille chérie avec un grand sourire ! Tu construis des merveilles et suis fière de toi. Le programme m'a l'air bien chargé et passionnant ; mais fais gaffe à toutes ces sales bêtes, merci ! joz pense que tu vas voir des tigres. Et les éléphants ? quelle vie tu mènes ! ici à part les chiens et les chats et les renards, rien d'aussi exciting. Les enfants missir sont ici ce soir et c'est le début des vacances de toussaint. Miss you ma douce, je t'embrasse de tout mon coeur. Love de M
ReplyDeleteJe bent een school aan het bouwen? Wooo da's moeilijk. Het is echt interessant om de foto's te bekijken!
Trouwens al op een olifant gereden?
En nog belangrijker, hoe zijn de currys? Ik eet ze te veel hier maar ze zijn vast niet zo goed als de echte!
Kus Lin