As previously mentioned, washup starts today.
All the venturers are returning from their respective project sites to debrief and party after 10 long weeks of expedition.
They will also be suitably scrubbed before being allowed to leave Raleigh, although we're not sure whether that is where the term "wash-up" comes from.
Check back early next week for all the latest news from Raleigh's end (and a photograph of that illusive tiger!!).
All the best,
Blog Boss Rule and the Fieldbase henchmen
Charlie H:
ReplyDeleteHope the trek wrapped up ok. Please make sure you call before you head off on your new adventures - you'll need the flight reference etc for a start. All ok here - it's getting warmer for a start. Look forward to talking and hope you have some good end of Raleigh parties! Love M, D & E xxx
To the Blog Boss and Fieldwork henchmen : Thank you for all the interesting blogs and all the support you have all given the Venturers.My daughter sounds like a different person!Its obviously been an absolutely amazing experience which I wish I had done in my Gap year all those years ago !I did though have a Gap year! Emily Wiltons mum
ReplyDeleteHi Zoe,
ReplyDeleteYour letter (with one to be forwarded to A-M - done, by the way - she'll get it tomorrow) was waiting for us when we got back from work yesterday. Wow, letters to you have taken a while to arrive and can't blame BBB for that!
Enjoy the EORI 2009 Partying - I think you have all earned it and as a special treat for when you get back, I am going to set up your tent in the ditch going past the garden (that Mum calls a burn!) so you can have running water going through when it rains just to make it feel like India!! Have a load of fun and see you on Monday.
Love Mum and Dad xxxxxxxxxxxx
ps whaddayameanrunningawayonthekeyboard!!!!!
pps BBB = Bashful Blog Boss on account of her reluctance to sing - R.I. staff, swipe her passport and only give it back when she has sung "Mud Glorious Mud" to you all and the assembled Venturers
To William Jaggard
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, THANK YOU to all the team leaders, managers and supporting staff of Raleigh India - you've given all the Venturers an unforgettable and invaluable experience and lots of memorable moments. It's been fun reading the blogs and looking at the pictures. I won't embarrass William by getting soppy!
Willz, don't forget that you need to get to the airport on Sunday night as your flight is at 2.20 am on Monday. We are staying in DB over the weekend and will be back Sunday afternoon. Have a safe journey home.
Lots of love
M & D xx
To Emily J
ReplyDeleteFantastic to hear you on the telephone, so thrilled you've had a brilliant time. I have changed booking to Wednesday 22nd April, it will have the same booking reference number..that's it now..we'll see you then! I picked up Aunt Ros from Heathrow this morning and was getting very excited thinking Emily next. Love you LOTS
PS Thank you again Blog Boss & Fieldbase Henchmen AND guest bloggers for all yor news and support. Hope there's enough soap for eceryone!!
Hey Nadine,
ReplyDeleteIk zit nu te typen achter jouw laptop, die ik zojuist heb opgehaald van de reparatie. Daar werden wederom jaloerse opmerkingen gemaakt over mijn "uitgebreide vriendinnenclub"; ik heb besloten hen in de waan te laten.
Morgen heb ik een schoolreünie (10 jongens, 20 meisjes!).
Hou je het een beetje vol daar?
Hey Ed (Kneale) Trekker
ReplyDeleteWelcome back to 'wash up' week! Ah i remember it well, all the scrubbing of mess tins etc! And then parties and then more importantly... that first sip of alcohol when you leave! Enjoy! I had a lovely time in Italy with mum and dad, although there was alot of cleaning to do after the builders. The weather was warm and sunny. Off back to Bristol to see uni friends for the weekend which will be fun and then back to teaching on monday. Rich sends his love. Keep in touch when travelling on and rememeber to make the most of it and do plenty, other wise you will regret it when you come back! Put some pics up if you can.
Lots of love, Lucy x
Dear Ricci amd all the Roots and Wings Group
ReplyDeleteWell done everyone you done so well Cant wait to see you at the airport on Monday Take care
Dad ( riccis Dad)
Lieve Claire,
ReplyDeleteHoorde van Annetje van je berichtje op de blog, maar had het zelf niet gezien haha! Dankjewel in ieder geval! Hoop dat je je een beetje vermaakt daar,maar dat komt vast helemaal goed! Ik ben net een paar uur klaar met Raleigh, was echt super super gaaf!Zo jammer dat het afgelopen is.. Zit nu met best veel mensen in een hostelletje in de hoofdstad hier en gaan zo lekker wat eten en uit enzo! Blijf tot 5 mei weg, ga met een meisje hier reizen. Nou, ik weet zeker dat jij het ook super leuk hebt gehad en hoor de verhalen snel! Geniet er nog even van en veel plezier met reizen! Liefs, Charlotte
Hi Em (Wilton)
ReplyDeletegreat to get your message to Dad on facebook -no doubt you will block him when you get back!Insurance has been extended.Dad has lent you more money and put it in your account.We know you will have a fantastic last raleigh weekend.Its even gone quickly from our end! Enjoy your travels and we are already soo excited about meeting you on 15th may!!Dad and I celebrating Wedding Anniversary on Tuesday by spending a day in london and then going to The secret garden! Lots of Love Mummyxxxxx
To everyone at Raleigh in India. Thank you so much for getting Jo back to the airport and home for the all important interview.
ReplyDeleteWe have all enjoyed reading the blogs. You have done a great job, and it does keep the worry factor down for those of us back home.
Jo has obviously had the time of her life, and we can't wait to hear all the stories.
Hi Leanne, am counting the days till Monday, can't wait to see you. Enjoy the last few days of this unbelievable experience. Mum said don't forget to get Angela a gift, as she sent some money for you a couple of weeks ago. Enjoy 'washing up.' Love you Michelle.
ReplyDeleteHamish, great to talk to you today, we have missed you so much (well, I have; I am needing some help dealing with the boys at home!!) We are so pleased that you have had such a wonderful experience, you'll have to come back and persuade some of your MH friends to do the same.
ReplyDeleteFinally, we heard earlier this evening that customs have released your implant, apparently it is going to arrive at Fieldbase early next week, so I'll talk to you over the weekend to find out what you are doing next and make a plan!! A totally frustrating experience from this end, but as long as you get it, it will have been worth the tears of frustration.
Have fun & and enjoy your last few hours with your friends.
Lots of Love Mum, Dad & Cameron (everyone at Buguruni is also sending big hugs)
Thank you to all the lovely Raleigh staff for helping these young people have a time of their lives. The bloggs have been great. Thought I would leave you with a goodbye song to sing together over the weekend. x
ReplyDeleteA Farewell Song
(All Venturers)
There's a sad sort of clanging
From the clock in the hall
And the bells in the steeple, too
And up in the nursery
An absurd little bird
Is popping out to say coo-coo
(Coo-coo, coo-coo)
(All Ventuers)
coo-coo Regretfully they tell us
coo-coo But firmly they compel us
to say goodnight
To you
So long, farewell
Auf Wiedersehen, goodnight
(Alpha 1)
I hate to go and leave this pretty sight
So long, farewell
Auf Wiedersehen, adieu
(Alpha 2)
Adieu, adieu
To you and you and you
So long, farewell
Au revoir, Auf Weidersehen
(Alpha 3)
I'd like to stay
And taste my first champagne
(talking to the captain) yes?
(Blogg Boss) no!
(Alpha 4)
So long, farewell
Auf Weidersehen, goodbye
(Mark and Gavin)
I leave and heave
A sigh and say goodbye
(Vijay, Deepak, Amanda, Manju, Liz & Joey)
I'm sad to go
I cannot tell a lie
(Andy, Caroline, Ivan, Andrew, jenny, Neil and matt )
I flit, I float
I fleetly flee, I fly
The sun has gone
To bed and so must I
(Venturers)So long, farewell
Auf Weidersehen, goodbye
(Staff ,Venturers, Parents & Blog readers & anyone else I may have forgotton)
Thank you!
To all the venturers and staff of India 09C.
ReplyDeleteYou probably wont read this anytime soon as you will be out partying but i would just like to say thank you so much for the past 10/12 weeks (delete as appropriate). I had been looking forward to staffing an expedition ever since I left Chile as a venturer three short years ago in 2006.
All I can say is that it has been the most amazing experience of my life and I thank every venturer and all my fellow PMs who came out to Alpha 4 for making the campsite and the project such as success. Massive thanks to all the fieldbase team for keeping us supplied with food, money, much needed medical advice and keeping everyone updated via the blog! I feel very privilidged to have met and worked with each and every one of you. My time here has been everything I had hoped for and more.
Neil from "Bamboo City"!
ReplyDeletedoes this farewell song mean you are going to actually sing? and only a couple of days after you said you never would.
Hey Angel
ReplyDelete....you have a likkle sister :-)... Marikit Adeola Akiwumi... born 6th April at 12:28pm - weighs 6lbs 12ozs - :-)
See u 2moro matey
Ya! first of all i would like to thank all those members who joined to this venture and finished-up well and so glad to tell that ma younger brother also be a member of your fabulous journey...
ReplyDeleteNow i wold like to suggest to the team Raleigh to include more beautiful pictures from your different groups, and their project experience and other activities, so that, we can realize the experience they spend over their project...
Hope Raleigh group members being well their and be happy...
With lots of love...
hey Sarah
ReplyDeleteYour lil Sis , Malak and Saleh here.
Hope you had an incredible time!!
See you tomorrow :D
Guess what we're having for tea?....CURRY !!!!
Bi! xx
ReplyDeletewell i'm sitting down not wanting to do any work what so ever for the fast approaching summer term. beat the star with austin healey is at the moment a much more interesting proposition, that's saying something.
i have had to thing long and hard of something interesting and am struggling, so i'll give it a ramble.
Dad and i built a new bridge to span the Groes torrent, it almost reaches the height of the garage roof, is a bit wobbly at the top, but can gennerally be described as epic! the design is along the lines of a chinese stepped arch. i'll try and email you a picture.
our new monty dog is something of a massive hit, a lap dog he is but does have a lot of charecter and is incedibly cute. a big hit.
Carly and i have booked our summer hols to croatia. where exactly did you visit? we're heading to the south and Dubrovnik, hiring a car and drving up to the islands. any tips?
cricket seems to be taking shape at guilsfield, tom has got nets in full swing. oh no sorry you don't play for the mighty guils anymore!!! hope you are keeping your touch up out there, you never know i might end up with a higher ave than you end of the season......!
lions tour coming up and those ashes to look forward to, just in time for your return!
take care mate
Hi to the Raleigh Team in India
ReplyDeleteGreat big thank you to you all, for all the support and encouragement you've given to Tilly especially, and to everybody else. You've done a tremendous job.
best wishes
from Angie and Wal
Hai my dear raleig family members bye bye
ReplyDeletebye my dear gavin(we are really miss u) thanks so much for a chance to me. bye my dear mark, vijay, amanda, ivan, julia and our lovely drivers.
lots of love siva from tamil nadu (08i HCV)