Today our Alpha groups are celebrating Easter as best they can, mostly involving painting up chicken eggs (eggs of the chocolate variety are hard to come by in remote India) and there is talk of making hot-cross damper bread, which is a strange combination of Easter tradition wrapped in a traditional Australian recipe and prepared over a campfire in the depths of remote India.
We'll let you know how the guys get on with that one.
However, no doubt you're after news from the sites this long weekend, so here goes:
Alpha 1: is over the half-way point through the trek and this week had some precious time in the town of Kumilli to get online. There are a few wayward comments on this blog as a result (thanks, Chris A for that) but they're back on track and will meet the second Loop vehicle on Monday. Lucy Holloway (this week's special guest blogger) will join the trekkers, who have had great but hot weather and amazing views, for the final days, including the two-day raft down the spectacular Periyar river. Trek leader Ivan Phillips said this morning the team had pulled together and had consistently reached camps well ahead of schedule.
"We pushed our rest day back to day 10 because the team was doing so well," he said. As a result, the trekkers are resting up today before the final push.
As you would have read yesterday, half of Alpha 2 spent the day on safari and actually saw a tiger, much to the chagrin of Raleigh India Country Director Gavin Shelton, who in his 15 months in India is yet to see one of the majestic big cats. The safari also included a boat trip and the guys were all safe and well back in Kalaiahnahalla last night. The PMs were particularly conscientious to do a head count and make sure no wayward venturers got carried away by a large, striped, suspicious-looking feline. This week they also had a fancy dress party with a Disney theme, which was attended by Captain Hook, Peter Pan and Tinkerbell, at least one of the 101 Dalmations, Simba, Aladdin, Princess Jasmine and a host of other fictional (and not quite so fictional) characters. Tjebbe's impressive costume depicting Sponge-bob Squarpants did draw looks of bemusement from the locals. (And not just because SbSP is not, as all good cartoon boffins know, a Disney character).
And at Alpha 4, work on the fence from the dwellers at bamboo city is continuing. There are rumours of a possible Easter jaunt up the mountain to check out some surrounding downs however with the advent of Indian school holidays, accommodation anywhere except for jungle bashas has proved a bit hard to come by.
The guys at Alpha 4 also held a tournament of strength, intellegence and endurance this week, run by the ever-charasmatic game-show host try-hards, James and Seb.
The group was split into two, team "Matt's muppets" which was captain by Matt, and team "Matt's mum's muppets" which was captained by Neil. The teams were pitted against each other in a series of trials, including carrying water whilst dizzy, a basha-building competition, and then a 'fight club' style competition using sleeping bags.
Team Matt's Mum streaked ahead in the early rounds, but failed dismally in the fight round when individual venturers (and PMS... and blog bosses) were pitted against each other in a blindfolded fight using weapons of a sleeping bag wrapped in a bin liner.
After a quiz round, a music round (lead by Seb on his guitar) and an eating competition between Matt and Neil during which Matt absolutely dominated, team Matt's Muppets came out victorious by one point.
Oh, one more thing. Remember the new "global giving" widget we put on the blog last week? Well the good news is, you can put it on your Facebook page! As a young friend of mine would say: "How excitement!."
To put the widget on your facebook profile (as in, get a logo so people can click and then donate money to Raleigh) simply:
- Go to this page
- Scroll to the bottom of the page, and select the ‘share on facebook’. This will automatically take you to facebook if you are always logged in. If not, it will ask you to log in to your facebook account. Bingo, it gets added to your page!
- Then you can change your "what's on your mind" (I so preferred when it was just a status update) to something like "Help us build 14 homes in India this April with Global Giving." and you're done! Awesome.
While you're on Facebook... not that we at Raleigh India condone excessive procrastination or anything, you can join the official Raleigh group to stay in touch with all the goings on around the world. The group is here.
I've done a quick calculation: there are approximately 60 venturers at Raleigh India, and about 150 hits on this blog every day, sometimes up to 300 on a good blog day. Let's say 80 per cent of venturers have Facebook, and 50 per cent of blog readers have it...
Which means if every Facebook user has 100 friends (taking into account most of the venturers I know have about 300 friends...) that's a conservative estimate of 1500 people who could see the Global Giving widget and hear about the project! That's not a bad impact for a morning's work.
Happy Easter, from everyone at Raleigh India.
Hi, Hamish, very fetching! Cameron is very concerned! We are off to Newcastle now for Adam & Ashleigh's 21st, back Sunday or Monday. Dad is off to Dar again on Wednesday after we have celebrated Cameron's birthday - PLEASE don't forget! We have money riding on this! Will send a longer message tomorrow. Missing you lots and don't worry, having given up choc for Lent, I am ready to eat all your eggs for you!! Lots of Love Mum xx
ReplyDelete4 jo Davies!:)
ReplyDeletehellowy pumpkin :D it sounds like you are having much adventures! hope you are having a good time and have a good easter! we are celebrating by being spectacularly lazy at home:D Vijay has arrived and is making lots of mess and muss as usual:P how long have you got left heeeeeeeeeeere? its all gone so fast?
anyhow i must dash, got smelly cooking to see to.
hope you are ok, ntaking good care of yourself.
have a good easter, poop! *eastery love* lolsxx
To Alpha 4 and Bamboo City
ReplyDeleteNeil, I am so sorry I let you down. Bin Liners are not my style and I have to say Matt always had a big mouth. James and Seb did a grand job keeping all thoe muppets in line and I am sure a good time was had by all. I hope you all get an Easter Treat, Happy Easter Bunny to you all. Matt's Muppet Mum x
To Blog Boss....s and FB
ReplyDeleteWhat a great simple idea to raise needed funds; facebook will never be the same. Good to see that you are "keeping it up, two, three, four".
Matt's Mum
Alpha 2
ReplyDeleteRemi xx
Well hello there Mr Pan! Check you out looking all glam and nice and tanned! :)
Hope you enjoyed the partay and sang all of the Disney songs, Pippa would be jelouse!
How are you? Hope you are all good and as always having a great time! How are the toilets comming along? I sent you a letter the other day, so hopefully your get it before you’re finished! I hope you went on the safari, must be so amazing to see a tiger in its natural environment and home. I’m going to the zoo next week with Roz, Patrick and Andy, but I don’t think It will be the same seeing tigers in cages but as long as theres penguins it will be well worth it.
Hope you get spoilt with lots of Easter eggs, I’ve got you one for when your back home! We had an Easter egg hunt at work the other day so I’m well in the spirit of Easter.
Im off to London tomorrow to see a musical (Sunset boulevard) with my parents. All the girls went out last night, we were meant to go to Batchwood and all dressed up as it was school disco, didn’t actually make it, just ended up staying at Lloyds. It was a funny night; Titus was a particular highlight as he spent most of the night on the floor!
Missing you lots! Give me a text when your back at base if you’re free at all and ill give you a call!
Happy Easter !
I Love you loadsss :)
Happy Easter guys!! Have a good one!!Love the pic Hamish you look so fetching in eyeliner!!! love it !! Becca and Frankie am so impressed... Love it!! lots of loving on this merry easter time!!! love Fionaxxxx
ReplyDeleteHi Becky,
ReplyDeleteGreat leopard costume! Those leggings could really catch on here!!We are thinking of you this Easter especially as we go egg snoggling with the Smarties on Sunday. We Musgraves are fighting to win the cup back this year so could really do with your help. Hannah back from Rome and her amazing hotel tomorrow and Oliver J coming to join us so we will have reinforcements on Sunday. Weather grey and cold this Easter Friday but better expected tomorrow. Have been trying to get a message to you re your return which will have to be out of Bangalore. Need to confirm your flight for 3rd June asap. Have been in touch with Sophia's parents who are on for that too. If I dont hear soon think I will just book it anyway.
We are missing you so very much but glad to hear that you are working and playing as hard as ever.
Lots of love Mummyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: Roberts family
ReplyDeleteFrom: Hamish the leopard
"Dear mum, dad and Cameron
Just want to say think you for confirming my placce at Chelsea. I am still having a great time here! At the moment, I am working to finish off a totem pole for all of us on Tiger Island! I've got to go,
Love Hamish.
P.s. My impland is in India, I should get it by the weekend or back at Fieldbase. Love you heaps,
To: Emily Jenkinson's mum
ReplyDeleteFrom: Emily
"Hey mum, yes I was so so lucky to see the tiger, I was so completely shocked. I really hope you don't mind if when I get back to Fieldbase could I call you about flights home. Just need a second opinion. I might have to change them again but I can pay for it. Can't believe I am coming home in less than two weeks, so exciting can't wait to see you! Lots of love, Emily J.
To Emily J
ReplyDeleteHave got your message, will wait for phone call, will also keep checking blogs. Enjoy last weeks. Lots of love Mum. PS thrilled you DID see the tiger!!!
To: William Jaggard
ReplyDeleteHappy Easter Willyyyy!!!!! I hope you get to eat yummy yummy chocolate...unfortunately it's passover and I can't eat any of those yummy chocolates. Right now I'm watching a silly girly movie that you would most likely make fun of me for but it takes place in SCOTLAND! Which is unbelievably gorgeous. You better get excited. As for me while you're off trekking through the glorious hills of India im in DC with my sister. I wish you could have been here today. We went to see the Japanese Cherry Blossom trees on the Potomac river...then we went to the fish market and got fresh crabs and made a big old would have loved it. But alas you're galavanting off around the world. I'm finished with school in 2 weeks! Then summer. Anyway I really hope I get to talk to you when you get back to HK for those 3 days before FIJI. I want to hear all about your adventures...still missing you quite a bit.
All my love,
Happy Easter Ella...might save you an egg! Hope you are having an amazing time. We have been reading all about what you are up to and are very jealous! Just got back from skiing yesterday.
ReplyDeleteLots of love,
Alex x
Hi Petrina,
ReplyDeleteWe've sent you emails but just in case you can't get online....we're happy you want to stay on in India even though we're missing you a lot! Spoke to Naomi who said Raleigh can help you change your flight. Love you L&F xxxxxx
Hi Hamish, Happy Easter! Hope that you have had a good day! We've had a great time in Newcastle - Adam & Ashleigh's party was really good fun! I am going to put some photos on Facebook later so hopefully you will see them when you next log on. Yesterday, fairly quiet day - boys watched the football and fortunately they drew. Have been to church in Newcastle this morning and now heading back to London - the traffic was dreadful on Friday so Dad didn't want to risk it tomorrow. Not sure what is happening tomorrrow, we might go racing!
ReplyDeleteI know that your implant is in India but for some reason it is still in Customs - we have to pay import duty (I have not idea why?) of about £250 and although I said we would pay over a week ago, they have still not released it! At this rate you will have left India before it gets to you. Anyway, I shall be on the case next week.
Enjoy your last week and please remember Cameron's birthday!! Speak to you next weekend.
Lots of Love
Mum, Dad & Cameron xx
Hi Zoe
ReplyDeleteWe are with GA et al for Easter
Ssunday Supper - Zak says...How are you getting on with your trek and building elephant fences?... Uncle Gerry says ..can you bring me back a mahogany carving or Shilpa Shetty?!....Elise says I got 3rd prize [with a large rosette] in my jumping gymkana this afternoon...aren't I clever...does this mean I can at last have a pony of my own!![the last bit was Aunite Katie writing!] Auntie Jane says... do you want any roast pork?
We are all looking forward to seeing you again - Megan & I will be at Heathrow to meet you next week. the Sparkes et al were on form this morning...Ruth ate your Easter Eggs from the hunt on your behalf!..everyone sends their love..As big as the sky...Mum & Dad xx alias Zoe's wrinklies.
Hi Charlie, Alpha 1
ReplyDeleteYou must be getting close to the end of the trek by now and no doubt feeling the effects - hope it's been a great time. We've had a quiet weekend so far (rainy and cold a lot of the time) but hopefully bit sunnier tomorrow. Realise you may have trouble getting to a phone right now but don't forget we need to know contact numbers etc for the extended stay - I changed the ticket (as I said in the last message). Talk soon and lots of love as always, Mum, Dad and Em xxx
Dear William
ReplyDeleteHappy Easter! Can you believe a year ago we were trekking the Milford Track and here you are on a different trek. Can't wait to hear all the stories and see the pictures. I'm just over the jet lag and starting to feel human again and not like a zombie. Had a great time with Al & G&G. Grandpa was wistful about India and wished he was there also. This is the first year in a very long time that I haven't baked any hot cross buns - no one to bake for but I'm sure you'll change all that when you get home next Monday. No Easter egg hunt either but we will save you an egg or two.
Can't put off doing your room any longer. Daddy and I have booked golf later today. We are playing 9 holes at DB so I must get cracking. I'll pick you up at HK Intl next Monday. Take care and lots of love,
Mummy xx
Hi Larry,
ReplyDeleteYour friend Dom call mum yesterday, what can i do for you and call mum soon. Take care and enjoy your life.
Mum & Calvin
Hi Angel Darling
ReplyDeleteProblems with booking flight our end. Best to stick to original plan to return on the 20th April. We are all looking forward to seeing you. Hope you had a good Easter. Looking forward to seeing pictures of your sighting. Daddy, Moses, Nanny and Grandad send their love. Take care Darling, God Bless Mum x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*
To Andrew Cox
ReplyDeleteHappy Easter Andrew.
Lovely Sunny day here.
When are you coming home?
Lots of love Gran and Grandad xx
Hi Nadine,
ReplyDeleteNou zijn we wel benieuwd of je doorgaat naar Z-Amerika of N-India. Is wel praktisch als je nog tussendoor bepaalt welke studie je volgend jaar gaat doen. Hier is alles rustig, want Pasen, etc. Wel gek dat je niet bij het ontbijt met matzes was. Hoe gaat je project en is al te ontdekken hoe het eindresultaat eruit gaat zien? Nog steeds hard werken of mogen jullie deze dagen relaxen? Gisteren met Wicher naar de Mattheus in Naarden geweest. Over twee weken hebben we een feestje in hotel Arena: ga ik eens kijken waar jij zo graag naar toe gaat. Ben je al bezig met het sluiten van vriendschappen voor het leven? We kijken uit naar je berichten en hopen dat je er elke minuut van geniet. Ook namens Mats, Toulouse en Wicher: have fun en tot gauw, Felix
uncle joey maloney
ReplyDeletealpha 2 or 1
hi joey its charli seen you on the picture ive got a piarat uncle never ever seen you that brown lol were all missing you cant wait to see you bet your doing a really good job building things like toilets and all that stuff tom gives you all his love and hes still being a pain in the bum ha ha im going to the hilsbrough with nan on wednsday and on tuesday im going for a meal then shopping then the pictures see you sonn love you lots like jelly tots
Hi Remi
ReplyDeleteMama and Kim get back from Kashmir today so I'll be picking them up later. They'll probably send you a message with all their amazing stories - be prepared for a long one! Saw Jack yesterday and he has written you a letter but forgot to post it! - hope you get it before you leave or you might pick it up after your trekking in Kerala. Also before you go check out your facebook - i left a message about your bank - you need to call them if you want to keep using your card! Not long to go now and you're on your own - wow!
take care
Chris xx
Edmeetje! Hoe is het ermeetje?
ReplyDeleteNog maar een weekje!! Heb je inmiddels al zin je rugzak af te doen, een warme douche te nemen en te relaxen? Ik sta op het punt het strand te verlaten en het binnenland in te gaan om vervolgens tot 4 km hoogte te komen en daar een paar dagen te blijven.
Ben super nieuwsgierig hoe de trekking is en hoe deze 2.5 maand uberhaupt zijn geweest. Goede vrienden gemaakt? Volgens mij ben je in ieder geval in topconditie en is je vrouwenkracht toegenomen tot ongekend niveau ;) !
Heb je al plannen gemaakt voor het reizen?
Geniet nog even van deze laatste dagen en hopelijk spreek ik je snel!
Liefs en kussen,
PS je radio is top! Zelfs iets te goed dus stel ik hem zelf zo af dat ie nog wel een beetje kraakt.. is wat romantischer ;)
Hi sis,
ReplyDeleteWas just thinking of you and thought i'd let you know! Missing you and hope you've had a good weekend. HAPPY EASTER!!
I've had an ace weekend - been really hot every day, got up to about 15 degrees today! tropical.
in all the excitement of last weekend i think i forgot to tell you that dad managed to win £100 on a £1 bet on the grand national... awesome.
lots of love nursey x x x
ps. Jimbob says a big hello toooooooo!! x x x
Hoi lieve Esmee,
ReplyDeleteWat spookte je daar allemaal uit tijdens de track...? Heb je die top wel gehaald? Hoop dat jullie niet alsnog veel regen gehad hebben. Hier is het een super voorjaar. Alles bloeit en wordt groen. En voor nu even heerlijk warm. Alles best in het Amsterdamse. Julia gaat naar de VS in augustus. Kon uit drie univesiteiten kiezen. Quirijn gaat verhuizen naar de Keizersgracht naar het beetshuis, naast onze oude huis. Grappig he. Bel je weer als je terug bent in het basecamp, en laat je weten wat je plannen zo ongeveer zijn? Een hele dikke zoen. We missen je. Liefs, Mam
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