Get a cup of tea, perhaps a coffee and maybe even a biscuit. Blog followers, this is a long one!
There is some old saying my Grandmother used to trot out about good intentions, or best laid
plans, and the likelihood of them going astray, which escapes me just now but I’m quite sure it would prove relevant. Here at Fieldbase, the best laid plans to do Monday’s blog bright and early got waylaid.
Fortunately the departing buses carrying the 09C cohort to their final phases did not get waylaid; they have all reached their locations right on schedule.
First up: A bit more Blog Housekeeping. Blog responses are rolling in and will be posted in the comments section of this blog. If you plan to write to a venturer, please post on the most recent blog.
If you’re wondering where everyone is, check out the panel on the right: Phase Three is no longer under construction, it is well and truly underway! The trekkers are en route to their first day on foot, the bashas at Alpha 4’s bamboo city already going up and the new Alpha 3 project is going gangbusters right from the word go. And of course, “Team Toilet” at Kalaianhahalla is back at the Jagankorte school, with two seasoned project managers in Liz and Joey leading the way.
That said, we suspect some of the project managers are feeling a little redundant just now. The Raleigh 09C cohort has become so proficient at project work, whether it is fence-fixing, basha-building, concrete and construction or just whipping up a banoffee pudding over a trangia flame in the middle of remote India, they are experts now and are running as efficient teams.
There are already some rumblings about the “life after Raleigh”, a time which, in the first week of Phase One, seemed so far away it was almost difficult to conceive. Now the Venturers, volunteer managers and Fieldbase team are well aware of just how fast a single phase flies past (it makes a wonderful whooshing sound) and the end of expedition is looming.
But enough waxing lyrical from a sheepish blogger who is trying to make up for the late post… let’s get on with the news!
First up, we waved goodbye to three explorers today.

Tom Mills, Felicity Crabb and Hannah McLaren left Fieldbase to continue their travels. Tom is off to South America to volunteer with a biology centre, while Felicity and Hannah are continuing to tour the rest of this brilliant country with a view to catching up with the rest of the Raleigh rabble after expedition.
All three of these pivotal members will be sorely missed by the 09C cohort.
The good news is, we have some new explorers on Raleigh! Gavin Harrop, Alex Langman, Zahra Hyder, Anuta Pardeshi and Emily O’Connor have joined the fray and have deployed across the expedition.
They had the chance to get to know their fellow Venturers during another whirlwind changeover, which featured a Mexican-themed night complete with a piñata (which looked suspiciously like Country Programme Manager Mark Ashby, complete with Raleigh T-shirt), lots of painting and a screening of the Indian blockbuster, Slumdog Millionaire. (picture: Saturday night's dinner of fajitas and chilli con carne)
Saturday night also featured a spectacular skit performance by each of the Alpha groups. Angel starred in Alpha 1’s skit, with a recount of her efforts to rescue guide Arun from an apparent quagmire, resulting in everyone getting extremely muddy. For Alpha 2, Alli’s dislike of fish featured, along with a few other stories mostly surrounding interactions with the wildlife.
The creativity of alpha 4 was apparent in its skit during which Ed K, Chris and Tom D donned rain jackets for a raucous rendition of – you guessed it – “Mud glorious mud” whilst being drenched in buckets of water by the rest of the team from bamboo city (check out their welcome sign which is out on site!)
But the gold star would have to go to the musical talents of Alpha 3, who performed a pitch-perfect round of frère jaques… with a twist. The team used whistling and (for the want of a more polite way to put it) fart noises to replicate the ditty. The Venturers then had a go with the traditional Indian holi paint... and these were the results... (below: Mani, Rosanna, Tom M and Emily J looking like a packet of M and Ms, and the whole gang getting dirty.)

Speaking of the Kappikadu crowd, on Friday the village was inaugurated with a Pooja ceremony attended by Raleigh Country Director Gavin Shelton and Centre for Tribal and Rural Development founder, Mr Ranganathan. It was a beautiful and culturally rich ceremony which was a highlight for the whole Alpha 3 group and struck home how important the houses are to the people of Kappikadu village.
But rather than hear about it from the Blog Boss (thanks Zoe’s Wrinklies for that name), we have another special guest blogger!
Fledgling journo, (who also just happens to be an expert concrete-carter and awesome trekker and is pictured left at the Kappikadu inauguration) Becca Musgrave took the time to put pen-to-paper about her experience at Kappikadu with the Alpha 3 group. Becca is now out at the new Alpha 3 environmental project building an anti-poaching camp at Bandipur National Park.
Read on!
Alpha 3: A tale of porridge politics, getting lost in translation and the real Raleigh story
When a group of Raleigh venturers come together from the realms of various Alpha groups to form a new team, differences in opinion are perhaps a given. In the case of Alpha 3 at the tribal village of Kappikadu, the transition was unexpectedly smooth save for the major issue surrounding Quakers’ finest product: Porridge.
It wasn’t tent politics, or difficulties on the work site, but it was an ongoing and heated debate about breakfast food which created a massive divide in the group. The root cause of the problem: PM Dr Andy. It was he who put forward the revolutionary idea of making porridge in one’s own mess tin. Far from the thick, creamy bowl of oaty goodness that we’d all come to know, we were now faced with an almost muesli-like dish to begin the day. For many of us, the simplicity and retained yumminess of the new way of cooking breakfast was enough to convince us, but for the remainder of the group they suffered with the memory of sweeter past porridge days.
However, after carting 2000 concrete blocks up and down hills, digging foundations and laying bricks, Alpha 3 discovered we were so much stronger than a mere battle of porridge politics and were able to overcome such trivialities to battle bigger problems, like thunderstorms. For much of the first week we came face-to-face with some of the most torrential storms that Tamil Nadu had to offer. This didn’t disrupt our fantastic progress on the houses, but did leave us stranded in our tents one night contemplating a supper of Kit Kat and Mentos. Usually, the local people of Kappikadu catered for us and the idea of a night without the local’s fab curry due to torrential bad weather was too much to handle. As a result, we decided if the food couldn’t come to our drenched campsite, we would go to the food and thus a line of Venturers sporting such unusual outfits as pyjama bottoms teamed with walking boots and waterproof rucksack covers trekked up the hill for dinner. The rather damp walk was well worth it and we were welcomed with typically open arms by the villagers for traditional Tamil fare by candlelight.
By far the highlight of this eventful evening however was Andy’s dance. Having been pronounced ‘the world’s strongest man’ and greatly thanked for all his hard work by our field coordinator, he preceded to crouch below the low thatched roof and crack out his finest dance moves. This confused the Venturers just as much as it confused the local people and we eventually discovered that Dr Andy thought the words “thank you” sounded like “dance.”
(Above: Frankie Chivers and PM Jenny Shotton paint the windows of a newly-constructed Kappikadu home)
Fortunately the departing buses carrying the 09C cohort to their final phases did not get waylaid; they have all reached their locations right on schedule.
First up: A bit more Blog Housekeeping. Blog responses are rolling in and will be posted in the comments section of this blog. If you plan to write to a venturer, please post on the most recent blog.
If you’re wondering where everyone is, check out the panel on the right: Phase Three is no longer under construction, it is well and truly underway! The trekkers are en route to their first day on foot, the bashas at Alpha 4’s bamboo city already going up and the new Alpha 3 project is going gangbusters right from the word go. And of course, “Team Toilet” at Kalaianhahalla is back at the Jagankorte school, with two seasoned project managers in Liz and Joey leading the way.
That said, we suspect some of the project managers are feeling a little redundant just now. The Raleigh 09C cohort has become so proficient at project work, whether it is fence-fixing, basha-building, concrete and construction or just whipping up a banoffee pudding over a trangia flame in the middle of remote India, they are experts now and are running as efficient teams.
There are already some rumblings about the “life after Raleigh”, a time which, in the first week of Phase One, seemed so far away it was almost difficult to conceive. Now the Venturers, volunteer managers and Fieldbase team are well aware of just how fast a single phase flies past (it makes a wonderful whooshing sound) and the end of expedition is looming.
But enough waxing lyrical from a sheepish blogger who is trying to make up for the late post… let’s get on with the news!
First up, we waved goodbye to three explorers today.

Tom Mills, Felicity Crabb and Hannah McLaren left Fieldbase to continue their travels. Tom is off to South America to volunteer with a biology centre, while Felicity and Hannah are continuing to tour the rest of this brilliant country with a view to catching up with the rest of the Raleigh rabble after expedition.
All three of these pivotal members will be sorely missed by the 09C cohort.
The good news is, we have some new explorers on Raleigh! Gavin Harrop, Alex Langman, Zahra Hyder, Anuta Pardeshi and Emily O’Connor have joined the fray and have deployed across the expedition.

Saturday night also featured a spectacular skit performance by each of the Alpha groups. Angel starred in Alpha 1’s skit, with a recount of her efforts to rescue guide Arun from an apparent quagmire, resulting in everyone getting extremely muddy. For Alpha 2, Alli’s dislike of fish featured, along with a few other stories mostly surrounding interactions with the wildlife.

But the gold star would have to go to the musical talents of Alpha 3, who performed a pitch-perfect round of frère jaques… with a twist. The team used whistling and (for the want of a more polite way to put it) fart noises to replicate the ditty. The Venturers then had a go with the traditional Indian holi paint... and these were the results... (below: Mani, Rosanna, Tom M and Emily J looking like a packet of M and Ms, and the whole gang getting dirty.)

But rather than hear about it from the Blog Boss (thanks Zoe’s Wrinklies for that name), we have another special guest blogger!
Read on!
Alpha 3: A tale of porridge politics, getting lost in translation and the real Raleigh story
When a group of Raleigh venturers come together from the realms of various Alpha groups to form a new team, differences in opinion are perhaps a given. In the case of Alpha 3 at the tribal village of Kappikadu, the transition was unexpectedly smooth save for the major issue surrounding Quakers’ finest product: Porridge.
It wasn’t tent politics, or difficulties on the work site, but it was an ongoing and heated debate about breakfast food which created a massive divide in the group. The root cause of the problem: PM Dr Andy. It was he who put forward the revolutionary idea of making porridge in one’s own mess tin. Far from the thick, creamy bowl of oaty goodness that we’d all come to know, we were now faced with an almost muesli-like dish to begin the day. For many of us, the simplicity and retained yumminess of the new way of cooking breakfast was enough to convince us, but for the remainder of the group they suffered with the memory of sweeter past porridge days.
However, after carting 2000 concrete blocks up and down hills, digging foundations and laying bricks, Alpha 3 discovered we were so much stronger than a mere battle of porridge politics and were able to overcome such trivialities to battle bigger problems, like thunderstorms. For much of the first week we came face-to-face with some of the most torrential storms that Tamil Nadu had to offer. This didn’t disrupt our fantastic progress on the houses, but did leave us stranded in our tents one night contemplating a supper of Kit Kat and Mentos. Usually, the local people of Kappikadu catered for us and the idea of a night without the local’s fab curry due to torrential bad weather was too much to handle. As a result, we decided if the food couldn’t come to our drenched campsite, we would go to the food and thus a line of Venturers sporting such unusual outfits as pyjama bottoms teamed with walking boots and waterproof rucksack covers trekked up the hill for dinner. The rather damp walk was well worth it and we were welcomed with typically open arms by the villagers for traditional Tamil fare by candlelight.
By far the highlight of this eventful evening however was Andy’s dance. Having been pronounced ‘the world’s strongest man’ and greatly thanked for all his hard work by our field coordinator, he preceded to crouch below the low thatched roof and crack out his finest dance moves. This confused the Venturers just as much as it confused the local people and we eventually discovered that Dr Andy thought the words “thank you” sounded like “dance.”
Drama aside, the Alpha 3 camp fast became a home from home with chief interior designer, PM Jenny, creating shelters, showers and luxurious long drop seats. After long and hot days working out on site, returning to our little camp set amongst the tea plantations for cards, music and dinner was such a treat. This feeling of utter exhaustion in the evenings was well worth it. Having had a tour of the village and the various mud huts scattered across the sides of the valley we all came to truly understand the importance of the work that we were doing.
Although the tribal accommodation appears to blend romantically into the lush plantations, the reality of the locals’ way of life is far harsher as they struggled through monsoon season with snakes in their roofs. Their homes were at constant risk of destruction by elephants and flooding. Initially we believed we were providing these people with a simple, more secure alternative to their one room huts but as the local governor said, we were helping provide the people of Kappikadu ‘the basic human right to shelter’
After lengthy days of brick lugging and foundation digging the team were known to become slightly delirious, resorting to such simple yet effective forms of entertainment as farting. When gathered around the lantern, stomachs full of Emma’s trademark custard and the girls homemade banoffee pie, a sure fire way to make us all giggle was to make fart noises on our arms, in a round, to the tune of frère jaques. Let it not be said that Raleigh hasn’t taught us all the art of resourcefulness and the all important personal growth.
Before we knew it, our time in the village was drawing to a close and the inauguration of the new houses was upon us. This final day spent in the community was by far the most memorable as we thanked our project partners, the Centre for Tribal and Rural Development, and the awesome masons who we’d become so close to over the previous three weeks of hard work. In return we were generously thanked with shawls and garlands of fresh flowers.
Although the tribal accommodation appears to blend romantically into the lush plantations, the reality of the locals’ way of life is far harsher as they struggled through monsoon season with snakes in their roofs. Their homes were at constant risk of destruction by elephants and flooding. Initially we believed we were providing these people with a simple, more secure alternative to their one room huts but as the local governor said, we were helping provide the people of Kappikadu ‘the basic human right to shelter’
After lengthy days of brick lugging and foundation digging the team were known to become slightly delirious, resorting to such simple yet effective forms of entertainment as farting. When gathered around the lantern, stomachs full of Emma’s trademark custard and the girls homemade banoffee pie, a sure fire way to make us all giggle was to make fart noises on our arms, in a round, to the tune of frère jaques. Let it not be said that Raleigh hasn’t taught us all the art of resourcefulness and the all important personal growth.
Before we knew it, our time in the village was drawing to a close and the inauguration of the new houses was upon us. This final day spent in the community was by far the most memorable as we thanked our project partners, the Centre for Tribal and Rural Development, and the awesome masons who we’d become so close to over the previous three weeks of hard work. In return we were generously thanked with shawls and garlands of fresh flowers.
(above: The Alpha 3 team with Raleigh Country Director Gavin Shelton, Deputy Programme Manager Danielle Esterhuysen, Monitoring and Evaluation researcher Julia Mitchell, HCV coordinator Vijay, members of the Centre for Tribal and Rural Development, and the people of Kappikadu.)
As the governor handed over the keys to the new owners of the homes we had helped build, the extent of our work became clear. We were all overwhelmed by the massive sense of achievement. No sooner had the ceremony finished but the villagers were moving in and cooking, a testament to the real difference that these houses Raleigh helped build will make to the lives of those in Kappikadu.
As the governor handed over the keys to the new owners of the homes we had helped build, the extent of our work became clear. We were all overwhelmed by the massive sense of achievement. No sooner had the ceremony finished but the villagers were moving in and cooking, a testament to the real difference that these houses Raleigh helped build will make to the lives of those in Kappikadu.
By Becca Musgrave
So there you have it, for those of you out in blogosphere, we sincerely apologise for the delay in posting of this blog and hope it as just the right length to let you finish your cup of tea. The good news is, this isn't all... we have another special guest blogger in the next couple of days, so stay tuned.
So there you have it, for those of you out in blogosphere, we sincerely apologise for the delay in posting of this blog and hope it as just the right length to let you finish your cup of tea. The good news is, this isn't all... we have another special guest blogger in the next couple of days, so stay tuned.
Posted as: Carol Jeram
ReplyDeleteHi Andrew (the medic)
Hope u had a good time out with the elephants, and have taken lots of pics. Love the picture of u with the baby owl. Nana sends her love and asks after you every week. Cant believe you have been there 2 months already. Miss you loads but looking forward to seeing you in May.
Love Mum
Hi Angel DarlingI have spoken to BA. I can change ... Hi Angel Darling
ReplyDeleteI have spoken to BA. I can change your flight to the 22nd. You have to speak to the local BA Office in Bangalore to confirm costs involved. They estimated £50 for date change and £30 local service charge.
Let me know if your date change is still the 22nd and not the 23rd, text or call (doesn't matter what time). Can you let me have Mr C info if possible. I can then get card which is what will help to sort out everything.
Love you lots and lots Mum*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*xx*x*x*x*x*x**x*x*
To: Lucy Illingworth
ReplyDeleteFrom: Tom De Wilton
Hey Lucy!
How are you? Have you been up to anything exciting? I've just got back to Fieldbase, the last week of Alpha 4 was amazing. Ed and I finished off our treehouse and we were just generally creative and spontaneous. We went on a 16km day trek which was great fun, came across lots of tiger tracks! I can't wait to get trekking on phase 3.
You should definitely get travelling again, have you got any ideas of where you would go? Thank you for your letter and photos, they were really lovely. I went and sat in the treehouse at sunset to read it. Unfortunaetly your sunday evening timing didn't quite work, it seems we have been a regular feature of the wonderful Raleigh Radio.
I hope England isn't too cold,
To: Sammykins
ReplyDeleteFrom: William J
I got your letter yesterday with the picture, it really made my day and caused me to do my silly happy dance. I sent one letter just before I got your letter so sorry about that. I'll send one more. Yay on your elections. I told me friend your slogan of "it's Miller Time" and she loves it. A catchy phrase, sure to win it. Don't worry about being ruthless, that's for nasty people.
Kappikadu was amazing and a bit fire really messes with me. Though Chinese Karaoke in the park is an unbeatable experience. Don't worry about Man U. I haven't got in touch that well with the Arsenal but winning the league seems a no-no. BTW, my Dad decided against seeing Coldplay in H.K. Silly silly. I'm off trekking in a few days. Keep writing on the blog and hopefully I can email you on my rest day on trekking which will be awesome. Say hi to Matt, Jenny and my brother. I love that you facebooked him. He doesn't really care. He's a chilled type. I love you and miss you TAI DUO Le.
To: Ricardo's parents
ReplyDeleteFrom: Ricardo
"Hi Mum and Dad
Just finished trekking, it was amazing. The view is amazing too. I am really enjoying myself, I have looked at things differently, I have been more positive as well. The people here are so supportive and understanding and that we support each other, really having a laugh. It was really nice to speak to you on the phone. The next phase I am on is Alpha 4, elephant fencing. Should be really fun. Looking forward to it starting on Monday 30th. Keep sending blogs/letters, looking forward to reading all the Hackney cazzle. Lots of love,
To: Zoe's Wrinklies
ReplyDeleteFrom: Zoe
"Hi Mum and Dad,
First of all, Mum, can you control your husband as he seems to have gone trigger-happy on the keyboard! Being pernickity about a Hippo song is just one step too far! Thanks for sorting that with Aunty Lulu. I've also written to her so hopefully she should get that in the next couple of weeks. Are all my clothes in storage in Swindan at the moment, as I am really gonna want some clean clothes when I get back. Can you look them out please!?
Love Zoe xxx
To: Alison J
ReplyDeleteFrom: Blog Boss
G'day Alison! Thanks for the comment. I should have guessed clearing up Fieldbase after changeover would take a little more time than anticipated to post the next edition of the blog. It was a brilliant weekend for both staff and venturers alike.
Anyway, the loop is heading out to Alpha 2 about mid-week and will be back next weekend. We'll be able to get your blog comment to Emily with the loop and she can respond so that's no problem.
Thanks for reading, since we started we've been getting many more hits and our readership is *still* increasing which is exciting.
All the best
PRO peta
To Emily O'Connor
ReplyDeleteFrom Dad
Hi Em
Hope its all going well.
Trust the veggie content of the meals are satisfying, if its chile-con-carne just fish the meaty bits out, sure your good at that ;P)
Anyhows good luck for the big trek, you take care and enjoy.
From Dad and more to follow from mum once I have taught her how to use a dialog box.
PS Using your computer, now i've sucked the crumbs out ;)
Alpha 2
Hello lovely, just to let you know im sending you a package tomorrow so hopefully your receive it soon and like your lil surprises! :)
Hope your well, have a wikid time on your last phase!
Missing you loads
I love you
To: Broer
ReplyDeleteFrom: Someone Dutch
(PRO note: The blog response did not line up with the blog comment so I'm not entirely sure who wote this...)
"Lieve Broer
Alles goed met jou? Met my goed Mama schreef dat je je kamen goed hebt opgapimpt! He wil heel graag VJK lieden in July. In Augustur, houd ik graag vry. He ben vergeten welke kampen i syn waarschynlyle het 2st en 2de. Het liefst het 2de dam. Heel erg bedenkt dat je dit wilt reguleur. Ga jy not leiden? Heel veel liefs, ook aan de parents. Morgan begint de trek!
AKA - Tamil voor zusfer
p.s. Diana en Hanna komen niet meer naar India!
TO: Mum
ReplyDeleteFrom: Em
"Hi mum, spoke to you last night which was really nice and now can't wait to travel on and I'm really looking forward to seeing you on the 15th. Hope all is well at home. I'm liteerally just about to leave for trekking! Miss you lots. Love you, Em xxxx"
To: Michelle
ReplyDeleteFrom: Leanne
Hey Mich,
Spoke to her on Sat, Dad had left her for shopping. Got it. Thankyou. Start my trek on the 30th, not looking forward to it. But will be a great achievement. See you in three weeks. Say hello to everyone.
Love Leanne.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteTo: Floortje
ReplyDeleteFrom: Claire
In I sec. Nog een berichtje, het is geweldug, maar ik mis je! Geen contact nog
xxx Claire
To: Pips and pops
ReplyDeleteFrom: Em J
"Hey pips and pops,
Thank you so much. I'm having an absolutely fabulous time. Might be staying on for an extra three days at the end in order to go shopping. Very exciting. Just going to start the eco-sanitation project. Very cool. Trekking was incredible. Can't wait to see you when I get home,
Lots of love,
To: Mum
ReplyDeleteFrom: Emily J
Hey Mum,
Hopefully you had or are having an amazing time in Scotland. I just want to say I would love to stay on until the 24th. It was absolutely incredible to hear you on the phone the other day. I can't believe it's been 7 weeks. Thank you so much for my birthday prezzies.
Hope you aer really well,
Love you both lots and lots,
Emily J
Dear Ricci Alpha 4
ReplyDeleteIt was so great to speak to you on the phone sounds good wot u doing next with elephants. have fun. hows the rest of hackney crew and the group u r in all good i hope..did u enjoy the parties? and have u sorted out CD for ya piccys..
OXFORD WON boatrace rics.we catching u up lol
cant wait to see ya seems longer than its bin but hearing ya voice was just like u round the corner
dad sends his love n ses on your arrival u n he to go ORIENT
well i gotta go u take care n i see ya really soon..we will blog u again very soon darling..
love ya...Mum xoxoxoxoxoxo
Dear Ella D,
ReplyDeleteGreat to speak to you on Sunday. I hope the anti biotics are kicking in and the foot is on the mend. Get it checked out by the medics before you travel on. If you want me to change the flight let me know exact date and place.
Everyone on holiday now so life is a little more relaxed.
Enjoy the last phase, hope you see some elephants.
Lots of Love from Mum
My dear Johanna Davies,
ReplyDeleteIt was lovely to read about the work that all of you are doing in India and the fantastic experiences you are going through. I am happy to see that you look good in the pictures and am sure you will love the elephant's fence project. I am looking forwards to hear from you all the stories of your adventures. Sarita is going this weekend to Colombia to spend Easter with the family there. I am a bit concern on how will you find London after all that great time there. Love XXXX Mum
ReplyDeleteFROM: ANGEL
Hi Mum, thanks for looking into this for me.
The 23rd is good, but Bangalore is not cooperating, I think we'll have to change the flight through the UK. I spoke to Mr C, he doesn’t have the card, must have left it in the car.
Could you please see what you can do, I don't really have access to a telephone or anything at the moment.
love Angel.
Hi Dear Tilly,
ReplyDeleteI expect you are off on your final Eco project by now, and that sounds like just the kind of thing you are interested in. We have been following all the news on the Raleigh blog, and are telling everyone back here in cold old London, about your achievements in India. The pictures on the blog are fantastic, we rather liked the baby owls, did you get to see them?
The mexican party meal looked fun, hope you got a few treats to eat. Have you got our letters and cards, and the little birthday gift we sent you? I expect you will get a bigger birthday prezzie when you get back!! Doing that trek was an amazing thing, no way we would have managed to do it. JUst really enjoy the rest of your time in India, you will have so many fantastic memories of the Raleigh Venture, to talk about.
Lots of Love
Mum and Dad
Hi Emily Wilton, Uncle Ray here, many thanks for your card. It all sounds great. Good to here that you are going on to St Georges. Weather here getting warmer at last. Work hard. Ray x
ReplyDeleteDear Blogg Boss Peta
ReplyDeleteJust wondered when the loop vehicle may be going to visit Alpha 1 on the trek.
Many thanks.
from Tom de Wilton's Olds!
Hi Zoe,
ReplyDeleteFrom the uncontrollable Dad!!
"can you control your husband"
Ha, been married xx years and no sign of it yet so not a chance! Anyway errand Aussie PRO's journalistic gaffs are fair game!!
The other thing us dad's regard as a duty is to embarrass the offspring. Nothing you can do about's what we it a talent.
On to Uni stuff
By the end of today I should got the tickets etc for Leeds, Cambridge, etc in the bag (wow, us dads are just so wonderful......and modest!).
We are now well established in the caravan with lights, hot water etc so reasonably comfortable. The house rejuvenation continues at a pace now and the place crawls with plumbers, builders, electricians + sundry hangers-on wielding shovels, saws, drills and cups of tea.
Mum has had Monday/Tuesday off and been sorting out the caravan and being shown what they have all done so far (without the option!)....think she is getting a tad jaded at being shown that bit of pipe that's going to the water softener or whatever. Poor Meg doesn't know what on earth is going on at the moment!! Not that it stops her trying it on by attempting to slide on to the beds at night when she reckons no one will notice!!
Going round to the Averills on Saturday (4th) evening for supper. The Sparks will be there too so the Cold Harbour grilling machine will be there extracting every last juicy morsel of news on the house, you in India etc etc.
Hopefully you will have got our new phone number now and, yes, it is working. Just got to resite the cordless phone base so it has line-of-sight to the caravan and we can talk to the world again. Been mainly relying on my mobile up till now but, as you wiil recall, O2 reception is garbage at the house and it seems the best reception to be had is in the middle of the A4 which would be a trifle exciting.
Hope to hear via the blog on your efforts to restrain the heffalumps.
Lots of luv and kiss's
Mum and Dad xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: the de Wilton Olds and Zoe's Wrinklies (and anyone else keen to join the Raleigh India blog conversation!)
ReplyDeleteFrom: Blog Boss Peta
G'day all.
So now I'm an errand Aussie? Excellent. I think I still like "blog boss" best though :)
The first loop vehicle is heading down to Alpha 1 bright and early tomorrow morning with photographer Anni on board. It's a two-day journey down to Kerala (gasp!) so she won't actually see the trekkers until Friday night.
The loop will collect DPM Danielle Esterhuysen - who joined the trek for the first few days - and the vehicle is scheduled to arrive back at Fieldbase on Sunday, April 5.
So the earliest you will get new photos and news from the trekkers is Monday, April 6 however I make no promises as we'll be skint of Fieldbase staff on that day as most of us are out on site.
What I can tell you is today was the mountain day and the trekkers reached the summit of the mammoth Missapuli Mala peak today right on schedule and Tom has promised he has written a blog entry about his time at Alpha 4 so hopefully we'll have that as well.
Anni will remain with the trekking group taking photographs until the second loop, which leaves Fieldbase on April 10 and will reach the trekkers on April 11, then get back to Fieldbase on April 13.
And Zoe's Wrinklies... before you ask - the loop is leaving Fieldbase to visit Alpha 2, 3 and 4 (where Zoe is) on Sunday April 5 and returning to Fieldbase on Wednesday, April 8. I'm scheduled to be at Alpha 4's bamboo city the night of Tuesday, April 7.
Next blog is likely to go up tomorrow (thursday) and feature a special guest blogger from the phase 2 trek and (insert drumroll please) exclusive first-view photographs from the new Alpha 3 site at Kanive Mallapanna. For any Australians reading this... It's not pronounced Kanive like Kaniva the town, it's pronounced "can-i-vay" to rhyme with "coffee day".
Blog boss peta
Thank you oh blogg Master!!
ReplyDeleteOh bye the way how are the baby owls? Hope the noisy venturers have not frightened them off.
Bestest wishes
de Wilton past its!
Hello Tom de W
ReplyDeleteGreat to hear your voice on Sunday and got your letter on Tuesday 31st. Just to let yo know that dad has sent you details of how to get your card unlocked by text. Dad has changed your return flight and I will post you the confirmation details tomorrow. How are you getting to Goa? Do you need us to book anything to get you there as your card is not working? let me know. A is off to Naples in the morning so it will be very quiet without you. Think we may have a knees up!!! Muriel loved your letter. We have had the dryest March here for several years. Hope you will have your outfit for my doo all ready to bring back with you. Right on man!
Happy walking/Rafting and cycling?!
To: the de Wiltons
ReplyDeleteFrom: Blog Master Peta
Hey guys.
The baby owls must have got an inkling of what was coming. On the Friday before changeover, they flew the coop (so to speak) and haven't been seen since. Mum and Dad owls have also disappeared so we presume they are out living large in the Indian wild. Fieldbase is a safe place for baby owls but probably not so cool for owls keen to sleep during the day and go hunting at night.
We miss them terribly though!
And as for the sunflower growing competition...
Well, turns out none of us are growing sunflowers. I've unexpectedly had six tomato bushes crop up in my pot, and DPM Dani planted a watermelon seed which is also growing quite well. But the sunflowers were an epic failure.
At least we're growing useful things!
Hi Zoe,
ReplyDeleteUncontrollable Dad on the keyboard....again!
Spoken to the removal guys who have all our stuff in storage and they will indentify the container that your stuff is in (told them to look for a large pink holdall (is this going to make Matt jealous??) and that will be the right container). They'll call me and I pop round and collect all your clothing stuff so it's available for you to rummage in to get clean clothes and sailing stuff.
Booked everything for 22nd - 29th and details are in your Hotmail account.
We will be at Northborough for Easter. Tried to ring them for a chat last night but Uncle John was on his way to Scotland and Aunty Lulu was in Brussels so spoke to Ben (he and Leonie were "Home Alone"). They are well and send love. Mum wants to sticky-beak their new hall tiling too as she has expensive ideas about Victorian style tiling in ours. I'm going to try and persuade her that polished concrete is trendy and minimilist but I have a sneaky suspicion she won't wear that one!
I see we should get first-hand news of Alpha 4 around 8th+ April so we will be able to see how you are all getting on then and check out Boss Blogs snafu's :)
In case you are wondering why I am writing all the messages, it's cos the home pc can't be connected until the wireless box is set up and there's too much builders dust for that at the moment though she may sneak a message or two from work now she is back working again (which is what I do at the moment)
Luv you lots
Muma and Dad xxxxxxxxxxx
To Rebecca Musgrave,
ReplyDeleteHi Becks, Great to read your blog. It was entertaining and moving! It sounds as if Raleigh is really living up to expectations and first reports from Phase 3 sound promising too. Keep up the good work. I have lots of DIY lined up for you when you get back - you're obviously an expert now! Home flight will have to be via Bangalore agin but there are cheap flights down from Delhi. Call me when you can for details.
Thanks to Raleigh for keeping us all so well informed!
Lots of love Mummyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hello Becky,
ReplyDeleteLoved your blog. What a good little writer you are! it really sounds as if you are having an amazing, if challenging time!! keep up the good work! We (Uncle Mike and me.) are of to Tuscany tomorrow for a fortnight and only discovered last night that Oliver is playing rugby with Rob Andrews next week at Twickenham!!! So we will miss it! it is sadly not an England call up but for charity!
Love lots, take care,
Aunty Ali xxx
Hi Gavin, sounds like an adventure, Miles wants to know when he can go, I've checked with BA and there should be no problem changing flight to 28th. please let me know if this is still the plan or you want longer.
ReplyDeleteLove dad
Dear Ricci (Alpha4)
ReplyDeleteHoping your work with the elephant fencing is going ok, Mum sends her love, and Wayne is now in India, so he should get in touch. Were you able to sort out the CD for your pics ok? The weather here is a bit better a bit of sunshine and some showers. I have applied for a couple of jobs and should hear if i get shortlisted soon. I was thinking of getting you signed up to a couple of agencies before you get back and maybe contact some firms ...but it still tight here, but you never know England won lets hope the Os can do the same tommorrow (saturday) Cant wait to see you son, Take care
Love Dad
hey everyone! felicity and hannah here, still alive and travelling. in goa atm, so we thought wed leave you some tips
ReplyDelete1)dont travel of a bus at night, and if you do,make sure you don't sit on the back row where you'll end up with some random guys elbow in ur stomache for 10 hours, i kid you not. we also were unlucky enough to ave the maniac driver who doesnt stop at speedbumps, many bruises were the result.
2)check train times, don't arrive half an hour later than the last train to goa for several days like we did.
3)sleeper trains are really very cool, like something out of teh fifth element with triple bunk beds.
4)if your going to goa, do it first, it's end of season so its dying and may be dead by the time your there. i (hannah) am considering going back at christmas for peak season if anyone's interested?
5)also, try to meet someone who knows their way around. we've met 2 guys who have been here a while and they drive us round on their mopeds to beaches away from tourists and amazing rave parties at night (which all end at 10pm unfortunately due to the government trying to curb the party lifestyle).
6)GO TO HAMPI! we stopped off in hospet when we couldnt get directly to goa, from there you can get a half hour, R10 bus ride to hampi. there is a wiked market and some amazing temples set in hug boulders. it's a very surreal place to visit, like nothing we've ever seen before so its worth checking out.
7)always reapply suncream and don't get a patchy burnt back like me(hannah)
Can I just ad that this is Hannah writing this not me (felicity!)
thats because im amazing and felicity takes a million years to type (hannah)
8)fruit ladies walk along the beach selling yummy nutritious snacks, alot better for you than biscuits and peanut (BUTTER) crunch-couldnt resist rosanna.
9)every time we do something remotely daring, we count how many raleigh rules we've broken, for shame!(at least 10 already) lol
can't think of anymore for now but if we do we'll write in. hope you guys are having an amazing time, miss you all, many tears after you left but wer having a fantastic time and cant wait to see you in bangalore.
lots of love
HANNAH (xxxxxxxxxxx) and Felicity xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteHope the trek is going well. Thanks for the newsy postcard. Grandpa wants to join you having read what you are doing!
Your Ma is back from her travels. A packed itinerary covering her friends and both families, as well as having a good time with Al. She also managed to get her shopping done - her bag was bursting but fortunately she avoided excess baggage charges!
Alexander is doing well - apparently revising hard for his exams. Although hopefully finding some time to go to Vienna.
I have ben playing a lot of golf in everyone's absence, but as yet this has not translated into a better handicap. I can but try!
Gunners form has been consistently good for the last couple of months - we should make 4th in the Premiership and still are in for a shot at the Champions League (and FA Cup). I am now 35,000th on the season ticket waiting list!
M & D
to my darling brother dbay (alex),
ReplyDeletejust remembered you were in india and thought id check the blog and there you were in the first photo..hope your having a wonderful time which you are no doubt write me a letter soon. i will do the same i have lots to tell you anyway miss you lots
love bella xxxx
To Gavin Harrop!
ReplyDeleteHello my darling it sounds like you are having a wonderful time! I hope you are not being too shocking - you are not in cheshire now - and you are not frying in the sun (your nickname is not salmon for nothing)
miss you loads and it feels strange coming down in the morning not to find that somebody has been cooking king prawn chilli stir fry in the middle of the night!
take care angel
Mum xxx