Our first vehicle, Bravo One, left Fieldbase yesterday to take the food drop and extra supplies of chocolate, crisps and other goodies to our intrepid trekkers out and about in Kerala. Having made it to upper camp, Alpha Three's route will today take them downhill through privately-owned tea plantations to Lakeside Camp.
A full report will be updated here when Bravo One returns with our Fieldbase staff members Sally, Paul and Deepak on Sunday 24th.

Today Bravo Two will be heading out to project groups Alpha One and Two to spend a few days with each of them. Brian, Hayley, Gavin and myself will be taking their post, messages and goodies from the shop for them also. Check out the blog again on Sunday for all the latest news from their project sites.
Bye for now!
ReplyDeleteHope you are getting all my messages! Seen that a car load of food supplies are on there way to you with chocolate and biscuits! Can't wait to see all your news this sunday when they update the site! Everyone sends masses of love to you. We are all so proud and miss and love you masses. Love mummyxxxxxxxx
CHARLES, we hear you are on the way down the mountain now and hope that those muscular legs are taking the strain!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletewe have seen there is a supply of peanut butter on the way to you and we thought that would make you happy!(Just in case you are sick of curry!)Keep on trekking.......
hi to guy dampier. Pat yourself on the back as you have accepted a place on the warstudies course at Kings even whilst your hands were full of toilet tasks in india. Well done.
ReplyDeletefor Monnie
ReplyDeleteMy last messages don't seem to have worked! Just wanted to send lots of love to the trekkers! Hope all is going well and that your food supply has reached you!
Everything fine here - Ferdi coming home tonight so he can go to the dentist about his brace! down to Dorset this weekend - will catch up all your news then. Anyway love you masses. Lots of love mummy. xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Message for Kirsty.
ReplyDeleteHi Kirsty
Hope the trek is going well - how are the leeches?! Had a really successful week's skiing in Stowe. Weather mixed, minus 25 first day, but snow good. Girls had great time... still recovering!! The blog is a great idea - can't spot you in many photos though. Hope your kit is standing up to the rigors of the trek (try to keep it clean and we'll return it for a refund when you get back!). Looking forward to reading your journal!! Look after yourself Kirsty. LOVE Mumsie(&Padre) xxxxxx
for will murray: hello william! Hope your ok and having a good time! i jusy met libby, dylan and max from neighbours!! it was AMAZING! but now im missing you a lot and feel a bit lonely...alos i little but drunk..i always miss you when im drunk.. oh wellingtons, i cant wait to see you in april! i will wirte you a letter sooon not sure how long it will take to get to you! I love you forever xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteHi Charles -
ReplyDeleteWeekend at last, looking forward to some golf with Wills, seeing G who's back from RSA, 6 Nations on Saturday with England v. France in Paris - might even be a match if Strettle, Sackey and Vainikolo see anything of the ball, and Spurs v. Chelsea at Wembley for the Carling Cup final on Sunday.
Weird to be out of contact with you for so long ..... just hope that the trek's going well and that all is good.
Love you, kiddo xx
Hi Tess
ReplyDeletewe have arrived at StKitts now but you probably will not get this mailing since the frist 5 day trip has left.
It is eally 'cool man' stuff here, you'll like it.
Hope that you are doing ok, saw that they bringing out Chocolate so survival is near!
Love you, more mail on he way,
ReplyDeletejust a quik hello..hope all is going well and the footjoy apparel is in order!! :) look forward to hearing from you!
better get back to my essays!
pro's son! ;)
For Georgia
ReplyDeleteDon't think my messages are getting through but just in case here goes.... !! Egg's coming over on Monday anyway, so we can send messages to you & Monnie together! We may even go mad and have a F.F. milkshake together too Ha Ha!!So looking forward to Sunday, I hope the blog site is updated, we so love seeing any photos & news, still checking it everyday in case. Longing to hear how its all going. We all miss you sooooooooo much!! Remember the moon.....All our love, hugs & kisses xxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteJust back from SA. We loved seeing the raleigh website whilst in
Jo-berg with J, E and H who all send their love. Had good sightings in Oliphants North watching the hippo and the elephants coming down for a drink (not G&T) Have you seen any yet? any chance of you seeing a tiger.
Lul G xx
Monnie darling
ReplyDeleteIts Saturday today - just arrived in the country. Watched boys play rugby - lost but both played very well. Seeing Jo on Monday - showing her how to work the blog! You have been away for 2 weeks now - can't believe how quick has gone. Daddy sends masses of love to you - Polly cooked use supper the other day - it was very good - had the famous eggs benedict! Dogs are fine - Monty up to his usual with Lettice! Ferdi has his mocks on the 3rd - daddy had a meeting with Gerald and he is trying for Sherborne. Fingers crossed. Its your birthday soon - hope I will be able to call you. Can't wait to hear all your news tomorrow when they update the blog. Love you masses Monnie. Big kiss. Lots of love. Mummy. xxxxxxxxxxxxx Buzz Buzz saw a bumble bee today!! ha ha
ReplyDeleteHey Honey I have just arrived in new zealand and moved into my flat , I hope you have got my letters because the messages I left onthe blog for you in hong kong didnt apear on the page for some reason :(. Its really hot here and the other guys who im living with are really nice. My birthday was ok but nothing special didnt really seem lyk one was too distracted by the travelling, I havnt got any letters from you yet, you probably just havent had a chance to write one but it would be really good to hear from you. Am missing you so much,
I love you Duncs xxxxx
hi josephine you look like your having the time off your life wow you look amazing i your red sari.how longs it going to take to do all that buildings.it looks a fab country.you look so happy helping everybody so proud of you keep up the good work love janexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeletemessage for will murray
ReplyDeletethe trip looks brilliant will, so well organised and fun. bet its v hot hope the mozzies stay away. Seen pics of you at the elephant trench looks like a good bunch of people. all well here - just tidied your room again!!! V quiet without you. Caro and I went to London for three days we loved it V&A and Imperial War museum! Mont sends his love too. Dont come back yet its still cold! Lots of love mum dad caro and dada etc
hi josephine hope you enjoyed your tea with family .i am so jealous of your sari you look amazing in it.i must have been cool seeing the baby elaphants.please bring me back a monkey it looks a fantastic
ReplyDeleteplace see you working hard as usual have fun love janexxxxxxxxx