A big hello to family and friends of Dan Leigh, Kris Clayton, and Joel Saldanha! Those three musketeers managed to fit a blog writing session about their treks on 13 and 14 February into their busy venturer schedule. Read here about their experiences and be really, really proud. All the others: Enjoy the the firsthand accounts of our venturers' adventures.
Guest blog from Daniel Leigh – Delta 5
13 February was to be the first real taste of our Raleigh lives - the practice trek. Delta groups 1, 3 and 5 had the pleasure of embarking, whilst 2, 4 and 6 had to check their excitement and wait for next day. After waking up at the totally reasonable time of 4:30 am, we sped through breakfast, packed our bags and boarded the buses, ready for more death-defying motoring to take us to the start point.
The trek would be around 15km long, taking us through farmland, local villages and to a swimming site at a nearby river. What was particularly striking, right from the start, was just how different this environment was from anything I, and I’m sure many of my fellow venturers, had ever seen before. The excited villagers, overwhelmingly eager to see us and have their photos taken, the packed motorcycles, and honking tuk-tuks were only some of the things that were powerfully new and fascinating. The scenery was beautiful- a precursor to the stunning sights of Kerala, and even the heat was strangely welcoming (for those of us coming from the arctic wasteland of the UK at least).
The trek also included a short swimming aptitude test - a 200m swim in a local river. The term “swim” might be slightly too generous here, as we all discovered as we crawled, struggled and winced through the weeds, mud and rocks that filled the shallow waters. In spite of this, the interlude was mightily refreshing in the wake of the intense midday sun.
By about 4:00 pm all three groups had reached the campsite, but there was little time for slacking as the site had to be furnished with tents, kitchen areas and a toilet, the homely hole in the ground known affectionately as the “long drop” (don’t worry, there was a tarpaulin cubicle constructed around it to give the squatter some privacy!). As the sun went down and the head torches came on, the baffling ordeal of dinner faced all three groups, which included a demonstration of how to prepare a live chicken halal-style for cooking, an experience that affected us all in different ways I’m sure; for me, my carnivorism was seriously tested. Delta 5’s kitchen was completely communal, but planning had not really received due care and attention. Although the final concoction was pretty much everything that we had boiled up together (food that is), it was remarkably tasty. Who says that you can’t eat gourmet-style in the great outdoors?
Overall it was a very enjoyable and productive experience (I managed to use the long drop for the first time!), and it left us hungry to get out there and begin life on the projects.
13 February was to be the first real taste of our Raleigh lives - the practice trek. Delta groups 1, 3 and 5 had the pleasure of embarking, whilst 2, 4 and 6 had to check their excitement and wait for next day. After waking up at the totally reasonable time of 4:30 am, we sped through breakfast, packed our bags and boarded the buses, ready for more death-defying motoring to take us to the start point.
The trek would be around 15km long, taking us through farmland, local villages and to a swimming site at a nearby river. What was particularly striking, right from the start, was just how different this environment was from anything I, and I’m sure many of my fellow venturers, had ever seen before. The excited villagers, overwhelmingly eager to see us and have their photos taken, the packed motorcycles, and honking tuk-tuks were only some of the things that were powerfully new and fascinating. The scenery was beautiful- a precursor to the stunning sights of Kerala, and even the heat was strangely welcoming (for those of us coming from the arctic wasteland of the UK at least).
The trek also included a short swimming aptitude test - a 200m swim in a local river. The term “swim” might be slightly too generous here, as we all discovered as we crawled, struggled and winced through the weeds, mud and rocks that filled the shallow waters. In spite of this, the interlude was mightily refreshing in the wake of the intense midday sun.
By about 4:00 pm all three groups had reached the campsite, but there was little time for slacking as the site had to be furnished with tents, kitchen areas and a toilet, the homely hole in the ground known affectionately as the “long drop” (don’t worry, there was a tarpaulin cubicle constructed around it to give the squatter some privacy!). As the sun went down and the head torches came on, the baffling ordeal of dinner faced all three groups, which included a demonstration of how to prepare a live chicken halal-style for cooking, an experience that affected us all in different ways I’m sure; for me, my carnivorism was seriously tested. Delta 5’s kitchen was completely communal, but planning had not really received due care and attention. Although the final concoction was pretty much everything that we had boiled up together (food that is), it was remarkably tasty. Who says that you can’t eat gourmet-style in the great outdoors?
Overall it was a very enjoyable and productive experience (I managed to use the long drop for the first time!), and it left us hungry to get out there and begin life on the projects.
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Into the wild underwater world |
D6 passed with flying colours (Photo by Sophia Knies) |
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Constructing privacy (note the "supervising" position of the three PMs in the background) |
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Constructing top notch three person bedrooms |
The 13th of February was what I would call the first time seeing ‘real India’. Fieldbase has already placed us in a Raleigh bubble and it was really nice to be able to be out on an adventure. We were completing a 15 km trek with an unusually early morning start for all venturers.
I was in Delta 1 group and after a short bus journey we were the first team to set off. Straight away what amazed everyone was the local people - how excited everyone was to see us Westerners - and it always made me laugh to be told that I’m now in India by many of them, as if I wasn’t already aware. Also their excitement at being photographed never wore out.
As the walk progressed everyone began to really feel the effect of the Indian weather. UK temperatures would do well to exceed 0 degrees before I left; now we were trekking in 30 degrees with 20kg packs on our backs. A lot of water was advised! The heat made everyone extremely excited about the swim test. A short 200 meters swim down the river was just what the doctor ordered; I just wish he could have made the water deeper! It was fascinating to see how the Indian people used the river: a man washing his cow and women doing the laundry for their families. No washing machines here I’m afraid.
After our swim it was a short walk to the campsite. A few new things we all learned were how to dig a hole for waste food, water and one for the toilet. Believe me when I say that the luxury of a toilet is one that should never be taken for granted. Another thing that should not be taken for granted is meat: The locals had a special food chain lesson in store for us: Three live chickens would be prepared to be our dinner. Having been a vegetarian when I was younger, this was very hard to watch, let alone try to do myself, as some other venturers did. However, with the way the daily vegetable curry has become quickly very boring, it was a welcome diversion, indeed.
The day ended nicely with everyone sitting around the campfire and completing the debriefing. All I can say is that if this is just a taster, then the projects to come are going to be amazing!
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Author Kris early birding |
Little Joe with puppy - Caution: Inside joke! (Photo by Sophia Knies) |
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Stephen sharing his vast long drop knowledge with Deltas 1, 3, and 5 |
V-Day was D-Day for Delta teams 2, 4, and 6. After spending four days at the Raleigh Fieldbase, the craving to practice what I learnt had reached the ultimate stage. Ironically the day of our first trek happened to be Valentine’s Day. For all these years this day has called for chocolate, flowers, and probably a movie. However, I realised that chicken and “energy bombs” provide for more entertainment than I could ever imagine.
If not for the vivid landscape, the loud Kannada music on the bus on route to our drop point sure helped bring our senses to life. Being a member of Delta 4 sure has its perks; our three PMs to begin with. Jenna, Chrissi, and Sammy are angels with vibrant and colourful personalities. With regard to the venturers, I am clueless on whom to begin my words of lavish, praise, and respect I have for them.
After walking for 12.2 km it felt extremely amazing to cool ourselves off in the Kapila river. Others really enjoyed the coffee at the chai stand near Maddur. Another sight not be missed was the exchange of “Namaskaaras” (hello in Kannada) between villagers and venturers.
The pace of my team mates was excellent and although we gave Delta 2 a 20 minutes head start, we somehow managed to overtake them rather easily. Not like it was a contest; it was just nice to see my fellow venturers having their adrenaline pumping. Times got a little stressful upon arrival at campsite due to lack of water, but some sharing with our frenemies Delta 2 and 6 and the generous help of a local got even this problem solved.
Our dinner was preceded by a course in Indian food preparation by Manju - from the live chicken to the meal in our mess tins, including humane killing and plucking. I took the honour in doing it for my team and it has been an instructive lesson on where our food comes from.
Delta 6 teamleader Barney concluded the evening with a brilliant reflection session around the campfire; an adequate ending of a smooth Valentine’s Day.
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Our favourite chai stand |
Author Joel behind a motorcycle that has space for at least 4 more persons. |
Some Delta 6, some more village kids, and one joker |
Team Delta 4 |
Delta 3 James - we managed to spot you in the group photo! You should have taken more shorts and a hat!! Your maths certificate came through the post today - another pass! Well done! Love you from all of us! xxxx
ReplyDeleteHey Will (Cowley) Delta 4. So good to see pictures of you on the blog looking chilled, happy etc... We are really enjoying reading the blog and hearing all about all that is going on out there and seeing all the different pictures. Hope you having fab time and really enjoying the experience. Love from us all, Mum, Dad, Baba and Joshie
ReplyDeleteJules Cornelissen, Delta 1.
ReplyDeleteHe Jules, Dit is ons derde berichtje. We weten echter niet of je onze andere berichten hebt ontvangen. Omdat wij ze niet zelf hebben terug gezien op de blog. Anyway, het was fijn om te zien, dat je goed bent aangekomen. We wensen je een geweldige tijd. Enjoy !!, ook al zal het met tijden wel eens moeilijk zijn. Vergeet vooral niet om te genieten. This is once in a life time !!
Het is echt super leuk om jullie te volgen via de blog. Je bent nu 1 week daar maar jullie hebben zoveel gedaan. Het is bij ons nu carnaval en Vive is natuurlijk van de partij. Ze heeft haar ID vervalst om bij de Clos binnen te kunnen komen, wat denk je daarvan. Lieverd, wij houden van je en wensen je "an amazing time". Hang on there . . . Dikke kussen papa, mama & Vive.
Enjoyed reading about the first trek, I almost wish I was there! There is nothing like the long drop with a perfect view. Have not read much about Delta 3 I think its the Turtle Lot. Are they being management and sunning themselves whilst the others do the work! We spent the day very differently Wedding dress fitting.Happy Days Nats,LoL Smiley Buster x x x
ReplyDeleteWill Cowley Delta 4
ReplyDeleteIt makes England boring ! looks like you are all having a great time, I am sure each day is an adventure. Luv from us all
Will Cowley Delta 4
ReplyDeleteHi Will, just been catching up on the recent news,It sounds as though you have already experienced a lot in such a short time !
all is well back home love from us all x Dad
To Beatrice delta 2: meissie alweer een week weg, je kamer is netjes, de poezen bllijven beneden.
ReplyDeleteDe vorst is weg, en het voelt weer lekker.
Als we kijken op jullie blog zien we actie, andere dingen dan dat jij gewend bent, kippen slachten, zwemmen in ondiep water, gaten in de grond maken voor een wc en vooral samen dingen doen!
We hopen dat je geniet! We vinden je stoer en zijn trots dat je deze expeditie durft te doen!
Veel liefs van ons drieën xxx
To Harriet Upton PM Echo 3
ReplyDeleteSocks posted today can you arrange collection. Concert good, Will in Luxembourg, heard from Hamish, hope turtle quest is successful X
For Dom Delta 6
ReplyDeleteHi Dom, the treking sounds great as does all that lovely warm weather. Glad you're getting to meet so many people and all those lovely kids. Have you used up your supply of pens yet? Graeme is coming to stay this weekend and tomorrow Dad is going to Liverpool to see them beat Brighton (we'll let you know the result!). For any Arsenal fans with you I'm afraid they're 4-0 down to AC Milan after the first leg (ouch). By the way you have an offer from Middlesex and an interview at Bangor which we'll ask them to postpone for when you get back if they can. They only let you know by letter and its not even on the UCAS site! We will send some snail mail some time soon. Let us know if you need anything so long as its not too bulky.Missing you loads. Mum and Dad
Roosmarijn Groen, Delta 6
ReplyDeleteHoi lief roosje!!
Ben heel benieuwd hoe je het daar hebt, en of je je super haken al hebt gebruikt. ;) Hoorde van je moeder dat je ook een kip moest slachten, echt cool. Was het nog te eten? Ook echt leuk om je op de foto's te zien! San had het erover dat we je ook brieven konden schrijven, dus dat ga ik de volgende keer maar is proberen. Hier in Nederland is het hele land bezorgd om prins Friso die onder een lawine is gekomen en in levensgevaar in het ziekehuis ligt, ik denk meld het je even, zo blijf je ook nog beetje op de hoogte van het nieuws in Nederland hehe. ;) Heeeeel veel plezier en geniet ervan!
TO TOM MITCHELL Delta 6. Great blogs, thanks to all concerned! I should think reefs came in handy in the river, just minster lovell but a great deal warmer! The children look very cheeky! Do you want me to send sunglasses? I've been following Amelia and Sam in Costa Rica and Fi H and L C-M have been following you! Lottie back to Teddies tomorrow, she's had her hair 'dip dyed' by a man in snake skin boots in Jerico ... Lots of love to you from us x
ReplyDeleteHa die Roos (van D6..?), ik zag je op een foto op deze pagina,dus dacht hier wel een berichtje aan je te kunnen posten. Wat leuk om je op deze manier een beetje te kunnen volgen. Op de foto straal je in ieder geval en terecht; wat een ervaring!! We missen je, maar zijn ook heel blij met deze 'once in a lifetime experience' van jou. Veel liefs van Pluk v.d. Petteflet (met z'n kraan-autootje) en Louise
ReplyDeleteHa Roos, Ik zag je op een foto op deze pagina, dus denk hier ook op de juiste plek te zijn om een berichtje aan je te posten. Fijn om te zien dat je straalt op die foto. Leuk om je een beetje te kunnen volgen via dit medium, we genieten zo een beetje mee van jouw geweldige 'once in a lifetime experience'. Heb het goed, wees voorzichtig en heb veel plezier. Veel liefs van Rienk en Louise
ReplyDeletePatrick Low (Delta 4)
ReplyDeleteHi Patrick. Glad to hear you have now ventured out of field base. We enjoyed reading Joel's blog. Sounds like you have all bonded well and are having fun. By now you are probably off on your first phase. Look forward to hearing all about it. Snowing here at the moment!
Love Mum & Dad xx
Roosmarijn Groen delta 6
Wat sta je leuk op de foto. Je kan denk ik zelf niet de foto's en blogs zien die over jullie geschreven worden maar het is erg leuk om toch nog een beetje op de hoogte te blijven. Je moet er maar voor zorgen dat je vaak op de foto komt te staan haha. Ik ben zo jaloers als ik zie en lees wat je allemaal doet. Daar zit ik dan in ijskoude regenachtige groningen saaie dingen te studeren. verkeerde keuze misschien. Nou tot de volgende blog he. xxxxxx sanne
Frances Echo 3
ReplyDeleteHi Frances, what fun it all looks! Royal Agricultural College have posted an unconditional offer for the 3-year degree, so nice to have a choice when you get back. Much love Daddy and Mummy xx
hi Wolde, hope you are having fun, we miss you. Can't wait to hear all about your adventure in India, I see some pictures, and it looks you are having loads of fun.take care and be careful, as i always told you.
ReplyDeletelove you.
mom :)
Lieve Eline,
ReplyDeleteHoe is het daar? Jammer dat je die vraag niet kunt beantwoorden, maar ik zie op jullie blog dat je het wel naar je zin hebt. Ik hoorde van mama dat je nu iets met schildpadden aan het doen bent, en dat je een trekking had van 15 Km.
We missen je hier,
Veel plezier
Je broertje Hylke
To Shaveh, hope you are well, just sent blog link to Jace & Ms Daley, Keep on winning, and remember the T mobile trade mark!!!
ReplyDeleteJoost van Berckel(Tango 5)
ReplyDeleteHa die Joost, het ziet er fantastisch uit wat jullie allemaal aan t doen zijn. Ik kan je gezicht niet goed op de foto zien maar je loopt vast te genieten. Ben ontzettend nieuwsgierig hoe deze tocht gaat en wat jullie allemaal doen. Ik hoop dat dit berichtje wel aankomt want de vorige zie ik nergens terug. Wij vertrekken morgen met de boot naar Pieter in Schotland. Ook heel leuk maar wel een stukje kouder haha. Geniet ze daar hè en tot de volgende blog. XXX mama
wish i were there! arising at the crack of dawn,trecking long distances and wading through weeds and rocks were not for me,even in my prime.however, it does sound exciting and adventuresome.i am certain that the scenery and sights are quite beautiful (kerala is reputed to be one of the most delightful parts of india)
ReplyDeletevery happy to know that you are enjoying yourself.all the best. DELTA 5
Harriet Echo 3
ReplyDeleteKyle has got job with BMJ! Much rejoicing.
Wot, no turtles?
Shaquille Smith-Delta 5 Tango 5
ReplyDeleteHi Shaq,
Hope you're well. It looks like you're having loads of fun and adventure and making new friends. I love reading the blogs about what you all are up to and every now and then I get a bonus - I spot you in a picture! Enjoy. Lots of love. Mom
Roosmarijn Groen, delta 6
ReplyDeleteHeeee Roosje!
Ik mis jeee! kom maar snel terug! Sine regno net achter de rug, en ik moet zeggen.... je hebt heel wat gemist;) Volgend jaar krijg je nog een kans om te komen!
Ben heeeel benieuwd hoe je het daar hebt! lekker trekken met je rugzakkie.. Ik zie je gaan hoor zusje! haha, ben wel trots op je! Mij niet gezien;) maar dat wist je natuurlijk al! Ik ben benieuwd wat je op de mooiste dag van het jaar (18 april) me allemaal te vertellen hebt! Verwacht natuurlijk wel wilde verhalen! hihi
Ik wil je wel op de hoogte houden van wat er hier allemaal in het Leidsche gebeurt, maar dat is niet zoveel.. Iedereen is lekker weer aan de studie begonnen en aan het uitbrakken. gelukkig is het wel weer wat warmer geworden buiten! al die kou kan ik niet hendelen... Maar jij zit waarschijnlijk lekker in het zonnetje en de 40 graden (misschien een beetje overdreven) zie het al helemaal voor me, en daar ben ik dan wel jaloers op!
Nou zus, heeeel veel plezier nog met je rugtassie en je klamboe, slaapzak en ik weet het allemaal niet;) haha je zal het vast wel naar je zin hebben!
mis me niet te veel he, dat is niet goed voor je! Ik mis jou al genoeg
kusjesss van je liefste zus! xxx