It‘s currently eerily quiet here at field base as our wonderful volunteer managers (VMs) are out visiting their expedition sites.
The moment they had all been waiting for since arriving in India happened on Sunday, not only did they find out what expedition they would be working on for Phase One but they also found out who their fellow VM would be, exciting!!!
In true Raleigh style the announcements were made with theatrics, this involved Mark, Julia, Jen and Ali transforming the volunteer manager’s staff room into the Great Hall from Hogwarts (This relates to the Harry Potter series for those of you who have never heard of the Great Hall and Hogwarts). The VMs were ushered into the staff room by Jen, who was dressed as Professor Sprout, and were confronted with the Sorting Hat who would decide their destiny for Phase One of expedition. There were lots of nervous smiles as the VMs waited to be called up to have their time with the Sorting Hat.
Jen plays Professor Sprout |
The VMs nervously await their time with the Sorting Hat |
First to face their fate with the Sorting Hat was Lindsay, after some deliberation the Sorting Hat decided Lindsay would spend Phase One of the expedition with Echo 3. Lindsay was followed quickly by Lou who was also put with Echo 3, the first VM team was complete! Echo 3 will be working in Huskurhaddi and will be constructing elephant fences and trenches.
Lindsay is placed in Echo 3 |
Lou happy to be joining Lindsay in Echo 3 |
Sarah was next to face the scrutiny of the Sorting Hat and was our first VM to be allocated to a Trek, she will be striding out with Tango 5. Julia from logs checked in with the Sorting Hat but luckily for us Jules will be staying here at field base to provide well needed support to our expedition.
Sarah trekking with Tango 5 |
Julia, lucky for us she stays here at field base |
Susan was the next VM to toddle up to the front to face the Sorting Hat which informed her she would be spending Phase One with Charlie 1 in Kotapadi working on a sanitation project. Susan will be a lonely VM for a little while longer as her partner in crime will not be here for another couple of days.
Susan jumps for joy when assigned to Charlie 1 |
Rachel, a five week VM, was next up and was happy to hear from the Sorting Hat she would be with Foxtrot 1 in Ponani on a sanitation project. Andrew was judged by the Sorting Hat to be our field base medic and look how happy he is. Clare was allocated to Foxtrot 2 in Basavapura working on building elephant trenches and fence and looks happy with that.
Rachel asking the hat to tell her where she is going |
Andrew awaits his fate |
Clare looks happy with the Sorting Hat's decision to
send her to Foxtrot 2 |
Cat having had her hopes scanned by the Sorting Hat was assigned to Tango 6 and for Phase One she will be on trek in Wayanad, Northern Kerala. John was sussed out by the Sorting Hat fairly quickly and told he would be joining Sarah on trek with Tango 5. Sally , another one of our 5 week VMs, was pleased to find out she would be joining Rachel on Foxtrot 1.
Cat ready to take on the trek with Tango 6 |
John showing us his trek pose, lucky Tango 5 |
The sorting hat puts Sally with Foxtrot 1 |
Donks and Fletch were unsurprised to find out they were staying at field base (we're the field base team after all) but there was a big surprise for one of our field base volunteer managers. Tim, who thought he would be staying here at field base, was very happy to find out from the Sorting Hat that he would join Cat on Tango 6’s trek in Wayanad, go Tim!
Donks not to clear what she should be doing with a broom.... |
and Fletch just looks plain confused |
Tim gets a big surprise from the Sorting Hat when it tells
him he is going on trek with Tango 6 |
After all the announcements the voice of the Sorting Hat was finally revealed as Ali who has been with us doing some research into some of Raleigh's previous expeditions reveals herself.
The voice of the Sorting Hat is revealed it's Ali! |
The volunteer managers are due back tomorrow so we will be bringing you more information about the expedition and amazing experiences that await life on expedition for 11E & 11F. Till then get out there!!
For Sally Orange - Foxtrot 1:
ReplyDeleteHi Sal - perhaps if you hadn't tried to eat the sorting hat you would have been able to jump higher in the group photo?!! So, off to plan and manage the building of loos then - sounds right up your street!! All is well back here - you aren't missing much! Keep enjoying the experience,
For Sally Orange (Foxtrot 1)
ReplyDeleteHey Sal, What do you mean its not like Afghan; fancy dress, chocolate cake, big smiles?! It looks exactly the same, haha. Apart from the slightly friendlier neighbours.
Hope youre having fun out there. Looks like youre with a good bunch at the moment. We havent forgotten you and thinking about you lots. Sorry I didnt catch up with you before you left.
Wedding planning is in full swing with only 2 weeks left, we'll do a toast for you. Im very proud of you buddy. Youre doing a fab job out there!! Will write again before I head off.
Lots of love, Lisa
Hey Sarah - looks like you're having a fab time, very jealous - have over a year to wait before it's my turn! Keep that chin of yours safe from harm. Kinabalu Emma xx
ReplyDeleteAndrew, looking very warm! Glad to have a champion amongst my friends;) Miss you & love you & hopefully see you in Winnipeg at Christmas! xoxo Erin
ReplyDeleteSarah - Tango 5!
ReplyDeleteYou go girl. A trek for your first phase, how cool!
Kinabalu Nikki!
To Rachael Brooke F11 Foxtrot 1 Rachael Brooke
ReplyDeleteHey Rach Yeah Ican send a blog.
Blog 2
Have weeded the carrot patch removing all the deadly nightshade to Dads relief. Hes convinced I will pick some by accident and put it in the !salad!He He!
Have begun to clear out roof. Am covered in dust from head to foot.Bit different from your longest ever fair Ride (bus journey to and from village) Found Dads 2 Polar expedition coats will be great for your polar medicine course Not ideal for nack paching too heavy more for dog sledding.
Found Holly and Spinach safely tucked up in the roof,
Hey enjoy your party tonight and your village venture India sounds beautiful. I have always wanted to go but I rather think now the heat would defeat me.
Lots luv Mumxxxx
For Andrew Cox (Medic) Hi Andrew I sent u a blog but it must not have been posted.How r u doin out there? You look well in the pics. Whats your next project? Have u had any more showers with your mate Neville the frog?
ReplyDeleteNot too much happening here. I had a phone call from Laurence to say that he and Katie have got engaged.Another Wedding lol Weather has been awful since u went. I am off to Jersey tomorrow night after work back Thursday Evening. Will send you another blog when I get back. Lots of Love Mum xxxx
Rachael Brooke F11 foxtrot 1 Where's my tiger skin rug then ??. happy birthday for Tuesday - Lots of love - Dad
ReplyDeleteFor Sally Orange: Hi Sal
ReplyDeleteLooks like everyone is having a good time :)
Just back off holiday will catch up on email.
Love mum
Andrew cox: omg Andrewwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seems like you're enjoying it....miss you Krishna!!! Nameste :)
ReplyDeleteMomo x
Hi Catriona- So glad you made it!! We'll be checking this blog every day to keep updated on everything! Have a great time!
ReplyDeleteLots of Love,
Lynne and Dad
For Ana Steele:
ReplyDeleteLush and green and fantastic - sounds like India is your kind of place. Look forward to seeing the project progress. Enjoy (and keep that mozzie net tight).
By the way, Glee was fun and funky - sorry you missed it.
For Rachel Stott 11F, Foxtrot 1
ReplyDeleteHi gorgeous hope all is continuing to go well. Hope that first trek worked out well; that you found a good rucksack fit. Will is back in one piece from Glasto - Mumford were the highlight he said, also Elbow sounded good live, sounds like working on the staff worked out well. Charlie enjoyed his look at doctoring (more next week), and Hannah is applying for jobs. We'll be blogging! BBBBLD xxxxxxx
Hey anDrew, sorry I didn't see you before you went. Hope you have a great time and behave yourself... lots of love Martha x
ReplyDeletehello alicia law
ReplyDelete11f india
hope all is well. raining here. hope you are working hard and enjoying yourself.
Love mum and dadxx
Hi Catriona
ReplyDeleteDavid and I are so jealous of your trip to India. You are a lucky monkey. xxxxxxxCaz and David
To Yasmin Kanji/11E/ India/Mysore
ReplyDeleteMy dear Yasmin... Just wrote to you and somehow the message got lost in space !!! So I will start again.... Hope you are having a great time and getting used to things... I wish I was there with you my love to enjoy the adventure and partake in helping. You are amazing and I admire you, as always my precious... All is well in sunny London. Toby moon and Lita are well and say hi. I am going to pick up Zandie from school today . I think I will take Toby as he wooooofs his car rides !
Woooofs, Hugs & kisses .
From Mummy.
Chaitali Desai India 11E
ReplyDeleteSaw your group photo all smiles even after the long Journey. I wish i could be there with you. Mayank send his Love. Take care
Love mum