After a few quiet days at field base, the project managers are now back from their project site visits and full of stories and excitement about the people and places they’ve seen. So while they crack on with the paper work (of which there’s a lot) I’ll update you on how they got on in what will be home to them and the venturers in Phase one which starts on the 3rd of February, not long now!
During the updates from the teams, I noticed a bit of competition kicking in about who had and hadn’t seen elephants so in order to win, the field base team managed to trump them all by saying that a whole herd had popped round for chai one afternoon while they were away so we won hands down. This may or may not have been true...
Charlie 1 – installing biogas systems in Vellary
Stu and Eeva, accompanied by Polly and Theja, headed out to their village in the Nilgiri hills which is a really beautiful area and saw elephants on the way there! There was some disagreement as to whether they saw two or three elephants so we managed just to settle on the fact that they saw elephants, plural, and left it at that.
Theja and Eeva |
Polly and Stuart |
They met a few familiar faces along the way like Vijay who used to be the host country venture co-ordinator here at the office and also Qathab who was a venturer with us.
An existing biogas unit. |
Theja, Eeva and Polly with Qathab and Shreeja from our project partner CTRD. |
At the end of a long day our project managers sat down to dinner with one of the families who kindly took them in which was an amazing experience and another chance to master the art of eating with one hand.
Elephants spotted – 2 or 3, it’s still in dispute. Time for a thumb war me thinks...
Charlie 2 – building Eco-sanitation units in BD Munti
Kate and Mona came back totally amazed at how beautiful the village of BD Munti is and can’t wait to get back. The village is peninsula at the top of a hill, so it’s surrounded by a reservoir on three sides which will provide a great location for the odd dip during the project.
They met and were offered food by over a hundred of the local families, were followed round by about fifty kids at all times and were lucky enough to join them in a game of volleyball in which they only sustained a few minor injuries.
Kate and Mona slept in the school house at the top of the hill where they’ll be staying with the venturers when out on project. They also managed to visit one of sanitation units that was built by a previous expedition in 2009.
Elephants spotted - 0. Must try harder next time.
Echo 3 – building elephant trenches and solar fences in Huskaradi
Dave and Cat, along with Una from field base, went with some of the other teams to the office of our project partner MYKAPS to speak to them about all the projects they run in the area.
Dave at MYKAPS |
Cat with some of the local school children |
They then went out to the project site and saw some of the trenches dug by the 2010 expeditions, and were surprised at how huge they actually were. We’re all a bit nervous about Cat falling in and never getting out!
Dave in the trench |
So many people getting on the bus. |
They also enjoyed a dip in the nearby reservoir which is beautiful setting right next to where the project camp will be based.
Elephants spotted - 0. Also must try harder.
Echo 4 – building elephant trenches and solar fences in Basava Pura
Celine and Dan headed out to Basava Pura also via the MYKAPS office. They got a chance to visit the local school and meet the local children who then distracted them from cracking on with their lengthy risk assessments.
Dan all happy before he lost his sock. |
They then enjoyed some chai in the village square with the local elders which was all going great until a dog ran off with one of Dan’s socks that he’d had to leave outside the shop with his shoes. The sock has not been seen since. That evening one of the families very kindly took them in and invited them to stay for dinner which was really lovely and gave them a chance to use the Kannada words they’ve been learning.
Elephant trenches and solar fences built by previous Raleigh groups. |
Celine with the local cricket team, or guitarists, I'm not quite sure... |
Elephants spotted - 0 but did see elephant tracks so we’ll give them ½ a point.
Tango 5 – trekking across Kerala
After a long twelve hour drive to the first camp site, Naomi and Ros were up bright and early the next day to meet their adventure project partner, Kalypso. They then headed out on the trek route and visited a number of the campsites that we’ll be using along the way which were all much better than expected and had incredible views.
One of the the lovely campsites |
Amazing views of Kerala's countryside |
Due to the altitude it was also much colder than we’re used to here at field base so they’ll be making sure they take lots of hats and jumpers to wear at night.
Naomi and Ros enjoying lunch |
Elephants spotted – 0 but did see some very large elephant droppings, a monkey and a 6ft long cobra skin.
Cheeky monkey |
Cobra skin. |
Tango 6 – trekking a different route across Kerala
Stuart and Susan were joined by Eleri, one of the medics and they headed over to Kerala to recce some of the trek routes for a few days. They started by visiting a watchtower high up in the mountains which looked out over the highest tea plantation in the world.
Susan and Stuart recce the trek trail |
Eleri takes a break in a sweet shop |
Looking out towards the watchtower across the tea plantation. |
Ain't no mountain high enough... |
They visited some of the campsites that we’ll be using, swung by the biggest natural reservoir in India and walked through some beautiful unspoilt landscape. They also tried out the hardest part of the trek and it turns out it’s really flippin hard! But the guides from our project partner, Muddy boots, were just incredible and helped them through every step of the way. The guides also checked ahead for signs of elephants or other wildlife and their knowledge of the areas that we’ll be walking through was fantastic.
Their guide from Mussy Boots |
With a very dangerous baby goat. |
Stuart getting ready to radio back to field base with an update on the day. |
Elephants spotted – 6! They saw a herd at the side of the road from the bus just after they crossed the border into Kerala. Plus they also saw a giant Indian squirrel and a black cobra so I think that might even beat field base’s fabricated elephant chai party. Drat.
Elephants! |
And this is what a giant Indian squirrel looks like. Pretty scary. |
They all had an incredible time and are now continuing with the planning and further training before heading back out there once the venturers arrive.
There was some other sad news from the planning visits which has meant that we’re currently in a state of mourning. It would seem that Kate and Wills had taken one of their many pit stops in Eleri’s boots which she took on the trip hung on the back of her bag. However they were only spotted when they all arrived in Kerala, so Kate and Wills have been abandoned almost two hours away from here. We’re hoping they manage to hop back by the end of expedition. In the mean time though one of Sid the cobra’s kids seems to be loitering around the office as there have been sightings of a baby cobra who we’re going to call Colin.
It's been your messages from home that have been getting us through this hard time so we all wanted to say thanks to all of you that have sent kind words in to us, they're so appreciated here and really do make people smile. Being able to walk up to someone and sing 'You've got blog mail' is one of my favourite parts of the day. So thanks again and keep them coming...
Also a quick note to venturer Katy Stocker - thanks so much for your message, we can't wait to see you here in India, especially with your newly shaved head!
Hey Jen,
ReplyDeleteGreat post - looks amazing out there! Keep up the good work. We all miss you here in freezing London!
Hi Mona
ReplyDeleteLooks like you are having great time ,
Missing India
Hey Mona
ReplyDeleteAmazing, loving the pics and loving to read all the amazing experience you are being part of.
Lot's of Love
hey ya to lauren smith
ReplyDeleteby the time you read this youll either be really refreshed n totally happy or you;ll be still hanging from the whole drama of actually getting there so whatever your mood i hope that you;ll make the most out of your experience and come back to the uk with a tan, tawn was ok after a while so no fretting eh live it love it from yer big sis taura xxxx
Kathryn--You've got your tan back! Is it the pigment in the curries or the sun?
ReplyDeleteGreat work being done out there. My back is killing me just looking at it.
lauren smith
ReplyDeletewe have got back home and its cold again.
Tawnie waved to your airoplane and with a little imagination and help she could see you smiling in the window :)).
thinking of you in sunny India
love dad
To Louisa [BABE] Mohsen,
ReplyDeleteSpoke to your mum and Ben last night and we're all agreed that it's so strange not having you here! The worst thing was not having anyone to call at 1am!! Hope you're happy and settling in well.
Lots and lots of love from dreary London,
Lucy xxx
Katy Star Stocker Raleigh India 11A
ReplyDeleteHi Baby
Hope the flight was good and you are now relaxing in the sun keeping your head covered! It's freezing here! Am sending chocolate! Say hi to Dave from me. Love you lots.
Dad xxx
hi Sunil Mistry India 11A
ReplyDeleteHope u had a good flight.and settled in well.
C u already hard at work. Great pictures.
We missing u. Have a great time.
Love Mum,Dad and Kishan xxxx
George Hudson India 11A
Hope flight ok.We spotted u on the blog. Haz missing u, up at dawn for his birthday The house seems empty.Enjoy the trek remember the sun cream.
Love Mum Dad Harry and William
Georgia Raleigh India 11A
ReplyDeletehey Georgia
hope your all good, lovin the pics, looks lots of fun!
we all miss you lots.
Love Alex, Mum, Dad and Seamus
Georgia Zervudachi India 11A
ReplyDeleteSo lovely to see a few pictures of your arrival. All's well. Seamus clearly had a great time at Mowlish and seemed well settled in by the time Alex and I got there. My first messages didn't get through to you, so, having had little bro instruction, third time lucky. I'll post book tomorrow. MIssing you. Your bedroom is much to tidy! lots of love as ever M xxxxxx
Hi Eeva,
ReplyDeleteIt's so great that we can read the blog and see pics of what you're up to - can't believe you saw elephants, so jealous! Also we're still in jumpers, hats and scarves while you're in shorts and T-shirts...
We're so proud of you and miss you but so happy that you're having fun. Will send a separate mail if you get a chance to read it.
Lots of love, Katie and Neil xxxx
Hi ellie (Gale)
ReplyDeletemissing you already and hoping you arrived safely and are getting stuck in to your latest adventure. Longing to get news of how you are getting on. Missing you lots - it is very cold here - remember that?
love you so much
Hi Kate,
ReplyDeleteYou and Mona look so chilled and happy and what a beautiful place you're in. We all miss you loads and are following your progress every time there's a new post on the blog. We did laugh when we found you were on the 'sanitation' project! Lots of people at Debs have found the Raleigh blog and are in awe of what you're doing. Everywhere I go people say to me 'say hello to Kate for me' (as if I'm having a 121 with you every day!!!)Dave was very cross he forgot to send a farewell and good luck text to you so this is from him as well - we're meeting in a couple of weeks to drink your health and have one for you ('cos you can't - tee hee!) Guess the real work starts now all your venturers have arrived - hope they're a great bunch & look forward to the next lots of pics. Lots of love Nicky xxx
Lieve Simone,
ReplyDeleteHoop dat je al een beetje gewend bent. En je eerste trek leuk was.
Geniet je van het pra chtige uitzicht en omgeving en mooie weer.
Hier vriest het.
Ben heel trots op je dat je dit allemaal doet maar ook wel een beetje jaloers.
Schrijf je snel weer , ik heb genoten van de eerst foto's en verheug me op de volgende.
Omwal er een mooie ervaring van en geniet volop!
Heel veel liefs, dikke kus pappa en mamma x x x
Hello Robert Nolan,
ReplyDeleteGreat to see a picture of you and that you arrived safely. Enjoy this wonderful experience, work hard and be safe
Peter & Karen
Hi Martyn,
ReplyDeleteI hope you had a safe journey and you are settling in to your new routine, Mum and I saw your photo at the airport,Mum was asking how did your boots stand up to the 25k hike?Have
you made any new friends yet?We are hoping you are adapting to the climate and enjoying the Indian cruisine, Chris sends his regards,We both
look forward to reading the blog updates,We will send a message next weekend.
Mum & Dad.
To Sarah Churlish (11A Group 4)- have a great time, take it all in and live the dream. Dont forget you promised to take me to Cuba after this !!! Make sure you get on some blog photos so we can remember what you look like . . everyone says Hi (except the cat !). Love you loads. D
ReplyDeleteHi Andrew,
ReplyDeleteGreat to see you in the photos. Looking forward to more. Just to let you know I putTrevor in the post today -don't know how long he'll take but I sent journey sweets for him
Love Judith and Davidxx
To Fieke Haak,
ReplyDeleteHa Fiek, hoe is het daar? Leuke foto op het vliegveld!!! Hoe gaan je schoenen in de hitte? Hier alles goed, nachtvorst, kun jij je vast niet voorstellen. We mailen, zien wel of je terug kunt mailen. Ik stuur in elk geval een brief. Dikke kus namens ons allen en hou je taai. Mamxxxxxx
To Alexander Vostanis
ReplyDeleteGreat first photos - hope you enjoyed the trekking!
All fine, love from mum, Phyllida, Kimon, γιαγια, Ευη and Julie. We will sent you auntied Dorrie's card.
To Alexander Vostanis
ReplyDeleteLooks great. I am even more envious. Will be watching you! Keep well and enjoy it.
To Becky Barnes,
ReplyDeleteJust remembered I could read this blog. I MISS YOU loads think about you everyday and wonder what you are doing. Hope you are having a blast and have settled in well. Can't wait for some pictures of you,
love you,
Gigi xx
To Christopher McCann,
ReplyDeleteawryt chris its martin of course nobody else knows how to work a computer, we all miss you so much and cant wait till u get back, love u
To Laura Bryce
ReplyDeleteHeyy Misses:) Howz Things? Hope Your Enjoying Yourself! Wee Miss You Millions
Ma Mum Said Well Done And She Hopes Your Enjoying Yourself & Paul Said Its Such a Good Experience Having Fun
Love You Babe <3 xxx