Alison and Claire left two days ago to go down and join Tango 7 who, after being rained on for most of their trek, have today gone to get even wetter rafting down the Periyar River. We will be able to bring you news, messages and photos of their trip after the weekend.
In the other groups Charlie One have been building toilets next to the houses and digging holes for the septic tanks. The school roof is finished and they spent yesterday with Mr Ranganathen from the CTRD Trust visiting another village where Raleigh hopes to carry out some similar projects in the future.
Charlie 2 also had a day trip yesterday to a village called Kalaianahalla where Raleigh built 45 eco-sanitation units earlier in 2009. The group got the opportunity to carry out some monitoring and evaluation and see the long term benefits of the work that Raleigh does. Back in Halsur they have completed one vermi-compost unit and are working on a second and have built two water tanks. When Field Base visited earlier in the week, it was obvious how much the group have become part of the community. Work was routinely interupted by villagers bringing out chai for the group and the girls enjoyed being dressed in traditonal sarees and jewellery by one of the ladies in the village.
Left to right: Aravind, John, Chris, Mike, Nicky and Tina
Left to Right: Nicky, Mili, Christina and Tina
Finally Echo 5 spent yesterday at Kabini dam celebrating Charles' birthday. Their work at the Anti-Poaching Camp has been hindered by the unpredictable weather which has affected their route into the forest meaning they have not always been able to go to work. They have however remained immensely cheerful and have still made amazing progress on the Elephant Proof Trench and started clearing firelines around the camp. They have also dug the hole for a toilet block behind the APC. In response to his many birthday messages Charles has asked us to send the following message to the Lockharts:
Thanks very much for all the messages. Had a brilliant birthday - most amazing ever! Went swimming near a dam and got a special birthday meal. Truely having the time of my life here in Echo 5. Quit your jibba jabba and about the letter I've already sent three but keep hearing English postal system is in a mess. Hope you receive them soon. I've got all your letters to date, including the card and birthday present was amazing!!! It was great to show Indian Tony a bit about where I live. Missing you all loads, including everyone who sent me a message (it took a while to read them to me over the radio!) Lots of love Charles P.S. Please, please, please don't send anything to so with Swarbrick, for the love of God. P.P.S. The jam was amazing.
Right: Davina's tickets for Monday's show hot off the press!
Just to say thanks for the comprehensive update - much appreciated by us interested parents. Will wait with eager anticipation to see the talent show highlights. Good luck to all staff and Raleighers for phase 3 of your adventure.
ReplyDeletechris braggs wow another picture with you on the front row thats exellent we all got the virus thats going around at the moment love the bandana on your head lol. you look cute cant believe 2nd stage near to an end. blimey. well all ok this end loads of things happening fill you in when you get back, all good news lol. no longer preg though. libby has no laptop at the moment so passing on this for her she loves you and ill prob spell it wrong but rroooaaarr lol. well proud of you you doing great you all are take care. love mum ben and family xxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteCharlie 2
ReplyDeleteTo the group of intrepid Venturers
to the West of Bangalore,
who are winding down, and dressing up
in the village of Halsur.
In the photograph with the sari's
the girls all look pretty and sweet,
but the bottom part is missing,
did they have muddy boots on feet?
The group sitting drinking chai
are enjoying themselves I am sure,
expressions on faces are priceless,
tell me, did they ask for more?
Sustainable agriculture,
will stand you in good stead
and help make lives more comfortable,
for many long years ahead.
The work you are doing is wonderful,
with smiling faces all around,
let us pray the seeds you are sowing
all fall on fertile ground.
Best Wishes to you all
Hi Luke
ReplyDeleteThe girls arrived safely, Emma is in Melbourne with Steve and Marie is up at your dads.
Been up to church this afternoon setting up for the Christmas Fayre tomorrow. Concert last night for Children in Need was brilliant really well put together by Gary Barlow. Take That's performance was miles better than Robbie's!!!
Looking forward to reading about and seeing photos of the talent night on the next blog, much love Mum xx
to 19yr old Chalrles Lokchart.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your last message. Brilliant to hear you had such a great birtday. Both Grannies informed. and elephant train stood down - for now... Will expect a dazzling performance in Raleigh's Got Talent on Monday.
Love Mum
Hi Ben echo 5. Sounds like you have all been managing well in the rain. Look forward to hearing more news soon. All good here. Was in the gym at 7am. Good eh! Dad and I went out last night to see the lantern parade in Chester and then had a bite to eat in the Bear and Billet (the pub that nan frequented when she was billeted to Chester). I am off out again tonight for another meal. Someone from work's leaving do. Dad has just said that he has also sent a message, so no doubt we have duplicated the news. Oh well! Thinking of you loads. Lots of love mum xxx
ReplyDeleteFor John Emmerson
ReplyDeleteHi John, I am keeping track of you, this week has been busy, Chey sends her love and is constantly telling everyone how much I must be annoying you with letters etc.
Snoopy has been mainly drinking Dad's tea this week and sitting forlornly outside your bedroom. You are going to get licked to death. Off to see Penny tomorrow. Write soon (some hope)
We all love and miss you MumXXXXXX
Hi Luke,
ReplyDeleteGot to Australia safely - it took me 31hours to get from London to the Gold Coast!! I was/am still exhausted, but glorious sunshine here so all worth it as there's torrential rain and floods back home to!!
Got a bit of time to relax until thurs when I sit my first Oz exam - I'll let you know how they go!!
Dad's knee is ok - very hot & swollen so I've had a word with him!! ha ha.
Good look in the talent contest - that's right up your alley little bro - I'm sure you'll be very entertaining as usual!!!
Enjoy and I hope the weather gets better for your trekking adventures to come!
Lots of love, from Marie x x x x x x
Hi Andrea,
ReplyDeleteHope the min adventure is going well and the bugs are not biting too much. Well I have sort of got into a routine now. Herman wakes me up by liking my eyes which is followed by the dragging of privates over my face! This is then followed my myrtle running in the house with the normal problem. Then walk to work in the dark and rain. Work work work, train. Walk home in rain and dark. eat beans, dog eats beans, cat eats beans. watch I am celeb. open the windows because the beans has had an adverse affect on the myrtle and herman. Horlick read book sleep. When do i was the sheets they are starting looking a bit grubby!
Missing you loads come back safe.
Besty + furry ones
Dear Lilly, you are looking so happy hun, so proud of you, can't wait o hear from you, love you loads mum xxx xxx xxx
ReplyDeletecharlotte,charlie 1, hi sis hope your ok been keeping up to date with everthing going on,cant belive the phase finishes on monday its gone really quick,every one is fine back home mums busy having her flooring done etc looking really nice now,kids are all good,been keeping really busy as well, kiaran is going to london next week to the science museum,so hes all excited about that,then he got a trip in december to go to the pantomine,any way sis no doubt i will hear from you soon,take care missing you loads,hope you got my letter i sent you, love leanne,cris,ryan,kiaran,casey.xxxxx
ReplyDeletechris braggs hi there samuel wants to have a go at this raliegh now he going to wait till you come home then ask you questions on it. we all ok. waiting for ashley to come over today. we managed to change our room around. for the better, lol. no more large boxes everywere. more space, lol. summer n ocean doing good. got over there colds. libby says hi, and we wont see her now till beginning of december, as she got her little bros birthday this weekend. and then she be over we text each other. and keep in contact. she is a great girl. so much in love with you. well laura sends her love. and the kids. was asked to say hello from auntie dot. oh yeah and grandad says hes proud of you. and keep up the good work, nans sends her regards. she wants you and libby to see her when you come home. you in the same size clothes hint hint got to get a ruff idea need to go xmas shop lol. well take care love mum ben sam jasmine, summer ocean and everyone else, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteDear Chloe - it would be great to hear from you again since the last message we got was your October letter. Anyway you look well in the photo (well covered in mud from working around the E. P. trench) - your septic tank skills could be useful back here. Hope you catch lots of poachers when the weather improves. Mum and I are visiting Kerala/Lakshadweep in hopefully drier January. Love-D
ReplyDeleteHi Mikey, welcome back to field base. sounds like you are getting along with great results and great friendships. sounds like you're goning to have a really good time before re-grouping and heading off for phase 3. it's absolutely tipping it down here ... endlessly pouring with rain. the wind is up and there has been flooding in the north of the country. stupidly, but hopefully not, i'm heading up to Bristol today, but i think my car will be sturdy and safe and i'll go a bit more slowly. tomorrow i'll be back to help alison insulate her shed and meet with my women friends. everything is fine here, though often it's just me and hunter watching telly together. he's become very affectionate of late so i think he misses you and darndy. mirror mirror had another interesting performance on thursday with stories of storms and sad goodbyes and places of belonging. i am so looking forward to hearing about your responses to india, it's people and it's culture. hope you have some good weather conditions for your trekking phase. sounds like groups are eating well... lots of good vegetarian food. take care and enjoy these experiences and i look forward to an update soon. much love to you darling, mum x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
ReplyDeleteHey Christina,
ReplyDeleteWe both been checking the blogs every day, it is truely amazing what you are all doing. Well done to you all! What are you going to perform on 'Raleigh's Got Talent'? (hehe) Can't believe how fast it's gone so far, looking forward to hearing all your stories.
Take care
Lots of love
Hayley & Gaz xxx
Ma clarinette chérie, j'espère que tu vas mieux, que tu te reposes et que tu vas guérir rapidement. Soigne toi bien, car tu auras très mal aux oreilles en avion à ton retour ! N'hésite pas à te demander un medecin si tu ne te sens pas mieux, ou si tu as encor mal. Je suis très triste d etre si loin de toi quand tu es mal en point, alors je t'en prie, take care of you. Et ne t'épuise pas dans la troisième phase please. Je prendrai volontiers le premier vol pour l'inde si tu ne vas pas bien. Donne moi un numero où je peux t'appeler au camp de base. Tu me manques et j'aimerais entendre ta voix et savoir que tu vas mieux. T'embrasse de tout mon coeur ma doucette. Much love and kisses from M. TM
ReplyDeleteTo Morten Jacobsen,
ReplyDeleteHej Morten. Blot en hurtig besked fra mig. Vores byggeprojekt er stort set færdigt. Vi holdt officiel afslutning i fredags, hvor vi havde inviterede alle håndværkerne på Gløgg og æbleskiver. Det gik meget fint. De mangler stadig lidt små udbedringer her og der, men det regner vi med er på plads i løbet af de første dage af næste uge. Vi har bestildt vores flyttelæs til ankomst torsdag og fredag, så forhåbenlig kan vi officielt flytte ind på fredag. Vi glæder os meget og naturligvis også til at du kommer til at se det hele. Håber vi hører nyt fra dig snart. Knus Far
Hi there Charles Lockhart
ReplyDeleteRead all the blogs this morning...what an experience.. well done on whats been achieved so far..looking forward to the Raleighs got talent blog mext week
I take it you haven't found the Costa Coffee yet ?? you know what I mean
Laura says keep practising the German vocab and best wishes to you and looking forward to hearing all about it over a pint at Christmas
The Kayes...Andy, Laura, Ben, Dom and Matt
Hi Maddy
ReplyDeleteLooks like Paul might have some competition when you return home - the civil engineering you have been undertaking may have him offering you a job!!
We are all well, Grandad was asking about you yesterday and I was telling him about your work in the forest and being close to elephants.Both Kevin and Katherine have been trying to send a blog, watch this space!
Its Katherine's graduation this Friday so Grandma, Kevin and Mollie are going down for the weekend.
Dad and I were at the opticians, Jean sends her regards and Dad is getting some new glasses, they look much better than the old pair!
The weather is pretty bad, dreadful floods in Cumbria, collapsed bridges and lots of people evacuated from their homes, you too have been having bad weather.But no major problems here in Chorley and district thankfully.
One of the D of E people from Holy Cross stopped me last week to see how you were getting on, he knows about the website.Can't remember his name.
Going to make the Christmas cake this afternoon and have started making lists I want to be organised before you return home, but not making any promises!!
I read that you are all preparing some entertainment, pity we don't have sound on the website - lots of photos please! Enjoy...
All our love Mum and Dad and co xxxxx
Message for Anthony Wilson, Charlie 1? Hi Ant it's Lynsey. Managed to spot you on 1 photo- so we know you still exist! Hope you are well? Sounds like your not having too much time for your favourite hobby - sleeping! haha. Keep up the good work and let us know how its going. Went until I tell your nan about Raleighs Got Talent - fantastic. Love you Auntie Lynseyxxxx
ReplyDeleteHi Hol
ReplyDeleteJust got your postcard and eagerly awaiting your letter. Nanny and granddad were thrilled with their's. How's the weather at the moment - still as wet? I hope your rehearsals for the talent show are going well. I'm surprised you've got enough energy left! Break a leg!! (not literally!)
Good luck with Phase 3!
Lots of love Dad xxx
Hi Tina
ReplyDeleteLooking good in the saree... I hope alls going well and the rain isn't too bad. Sounds just like here at home. I've sent a few letters but not sure if your getting them, let me know!
Schools hectic at the moment with the concert and all, the panto this year is Mother Goose, can't wait..... We finish on the 19th so I'll be off when you come home. Dad's in Scotland today so won't be home till late. The dogs are restless, they can't go out as much as we would like , the weather is just too bad.
Tina, promise me that you won't sing in the talent show, dance maybe but not singing!!!
Anyway I'm going now, have to have my beauty sleep you know,
missing you lots
love Mum, Dad, Ste and all the animalsXXXXXX
to john springate chelsea4 wolves0 malouda essien 2 and joe cole still 5 points clear arsenal lost at sunderland how are you have seen your picture on the blog mum will send you a letter in the week have you had any love mum and dad
ReplyDeleteFor Jamie Green--it's Thanksgiving week and I suppose you won't be eating turkey! We'll make you some when you come home. Also some steak. Lots of steak. And burgers. Anyway, it sounds like you are just about to embark on an adventure. Hope it stops raining for you! Did you do something for the talent show?
ReplyDeleteThe weather here has been very nice--Daddy and I just played some tennis. Sam's off to a Bar Mitzvah. Life goes on as usual. We'll miss you for Thanksgiving--blog us if possible! LOVE mom
Hello Amy W! I think that you should be back from your trek by now. I hope that it went really well and that you are now enjoying a day or two of relative repose. All is well here despite endless heavy rain and wind. Am starting to think about Christmas arrangements, mainly as a break from report writing. Dad has had a run today- a gentle one! I saw Louise yesterday, she is still waiting for ucas replies, more time to prepare herself for the interviews she says. Enjoy the talent show! SCD is dull this year I'm afraid.
ReplyDeleteMuch love, Mum, Dad and Tom
Hey Jamie Green,
ReplyDeleteHope you had a ton of fun the past few weeks; I'm sure you're going to have more. I am finally home for Thanksgiving break after writing a paper all day Saturday and then striking Carousel until 7am Sunday. I went to bed at 8am and woke up at 1:30pm, so I have no idea what time it is anymore or what meal I'm eating.
I've been thinking about you a lot, and I'm sure people will miss you at the camp reunion this coming weekend: let me know if there's anything you want me to share with your campers or with staff.
Just so you know, we'll be eating at least one vegetarian dinner together when you get back before I head off to Spain. *sticks tongue out*
Stacey and Alison and Mira say hi! (I've been talking with them a lot lately.) Greta and Noah say hi too, though Greta's working on essays and applications. Noah's having lots of fun rehearsing for Oliver, and of course is also busy being a reading machine.
I'm off to sleep, but I can't wait to hear from you!
Hi Benny (echo 5 - well, maybe not now). Had message from Ellen (from uni) who says that all your old friends from uni are asking her how you are doing.
ReplyDeleteNo doubt dad has posted the spurs result. Good one eh!
I am off to Marrackesh tomorrow for 2 days. All those bazaars! lovely!
Have a great time in phase 3 and enjoy the 'got talent comp'. will write again soon, tons of love (as nan would say) mum xxxx
hi there chris braggs libby says hello and she loves you loads and she cant wait to see you soon rrooooaarrrr she said you are her dinosaur lol. well we all ok shame about the bad weather. lol. hope you ok, have kept the newspaper of you in it. well loads copies lol. ben says hello, hopes you keeping outta mischief lol. love mum ben and family.xxxxxx
ReplyDeleteHi Mikey, you must be back by now and enjoyng some rest and recreation? i'm back from Bristol now sfae and sound and i'm looking forward to hearing more form you before the next .. and final ( ! ) phase. Have fun with the talent show. lots and lots of love, Mum xxxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteHi Charles Lockhart,
ReplyDeleteHow did Raleigh's Got Talent go? Bet you were fabulous. Remember not to jump for the first Bollywood movie deal you are offered. Consider them all carefully..... Seriously, make notes about the last 6 weeks. Its easy to forget little things & dates etc. Swarbrick Concert went well - ie not sacked yet. Next gig 18th Dec with VV. Do you want to go to the Beagle Ball on 9th Jan? We are. All well here. Love mum
Message for Ben ex Echo 5 Ben - Hi Nebs - just had to tell you that the lads demolished Wigan 9 - 1 on Sunday with Daniel nabbing 5
ReplyDeleteHave recorded it for your return.
All ok here apart from too much rain. Hope the entertainment talent show is a hoot!!
lol Dadio xx
ReplyDeleteSo pleased to get a card from you today. Thought it was lovely! Pleased you're enjoying yourself. Your mum's been to visit us today.
Lots of love Nanna and Grandad XXX
Ma clarinette, j'étais heureuse de te parler ce matin quelle chance ! Soigne toi bien, et tu iras mieux très vite. Papa a parlé au chef du village m'a t il dit qui l'a rassuré sur ton sort. Surtout repose toi et j'espère que tu seras guérie rapidement. Ici il pleut des cordes, il vente, bref, il fait très moche. Plus que trois semaines avant de te serrer ds mes bras ! Much love ma douce et bonne chance. Love and kisses fr m.
ReplyDeleteChristopherAndrewJohnBraggs. :)
ReplyDeleteheyy bubbie, love the picture. i gotta save up to get my laptop fixed, cause i cant live without it.. :(
omg my wifeyy is a star, she brought me the new ndubz album. :)
wifeyy says hello chicken, nice to see you got long hair, suits you sir. :)
me and the wife are going down your mums for oceans little tea party, shud be fun! :)
i get my braces in 2weeks. so im gunna look like a right geek for youu. phitt.:) i thinking of getting them in pink.. or maybe green, but then me teeth will look moldy if i get green.. lol.
not long now bubbs. only 3weeks &'2days.
getting excited? cause i am. :) veryy muchly. :)
i now have a pair of jeggings, im going up in the world. :)
ohh youu wont be able to have a christmas prezzie until january.. cause i need money for my laptop!!!! :( christmas is cancelled. bahhumbag!
ohh well, you got me instead. :)
good old mon letting me use her computer aayeehh?
mon said hello, and sends her love.. funny how my dad dont tell me to say hello to youu.. :/ grumpy old man.
first weekend ive had apart from the mummsy, its been really boring.. wifeyy keeps feeding my macydees! im gunna get fat! :O hhmmphh.. :/
ive slept all weekend, cause im sooo cool. :)
well i think ive had a nice little chin wag now.. cant wait to see youu bubbs. :)
Love youu lotsiess. :)
Libby xxxx
Hi Mikey, just to let you know that Grandpa's here with me for a few days, and we've had a look together at the raleigh blogspot. can't wait to hear from you. how did the talent show go? how are you keeping? lots of love darling, mum x x x x
ReplyDeleteHi Neil,
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to see you back in not so sunny Blighty soon. Not buzzing straight off to Oz are you?
matt & ren x
Hi there darling Toby (Drax)
ReplyDeleteGot your two emails, for which many thanks. Glad my first attempt got through to you. The whole thing looks amazing and I'm very jealous of you all. What an adventure. It sounds like hard work too, especially the hiking. Sore feet? Don't forget to dry and powder every night!!! Yea, yea Dad, ok... chill man! I thought you might lose a few pounds. You are in no doubt, a lean, mean fighting machine. It's raining here in the UK. A rather unfortunately named town called Cockermouth has been flooded, bridges swept away, houses destroyed and livelihoods lost. More rain to come apparently. Thinking of you lots and thank you for your touching words. I appreciate them. Always here, as you know, through thick and thin. Love you so much and can't wait to give you a big hug. Your loving Dad xxxxx
Hello there Christina,
ReplyDeleteJust a few lines to let you know we will be thinking of you over the next phase of your venture. How did the talent show go? Looking forward to reading all about it. Did it feel strange sleeping in a bed last night?
Spoke to Izzy on the phone she had
a lot to say about Pippin!and only wanted to stay talking to Daddad for the whole night.
I think she is taking after her Auntie Chris,hehe
Pam sends her love as does Mal and friends. Will write again soon. Lots of love Mum and Dad xxxxxx
chris braggs libby told me u text her when you gonna write to me lol. well we all ok i hear you on the third stage well good luck
ReplyDeleteDearest Chloeeeeeeeeeee!Have just got your letter what a wet time you have had. Still busy in court and think I will not be free for a bit..Daddy not happy and Pepper is mis. 'cos he isn't having the best walks. Christmas is not far away!!loads and loads of love M + D
ReplyDeleteHi Amy!
ReplyDeleteI hope your still having a great time. It definately sounds like D of E with all the rain! WHat did you do in the talent show?
I'm currently on day 15 of 24 consecutive days of working!!! -But I have been managing to fit in a lot of Badminton as well which is fun.
Take care, it's almost Christmas!!!
Louise x :)
Yo Charles Lockhart
ReplyDeleteBrilliant to hear from you on Mon. Dad was sorry he missed you. Hope your feet are on the mend and able to cope with the impending trek to Kerala. Look after them. Is there footage of Raleigh's got Talent??? and does your camera work now? We are trying to imaging falling asleep to the sound of elephants. Try to find out Vijay's surname and the title of his biggest film. We think of you every day.
Love Mum
Hi Tina!!
ReplyDeleteMarina here, iv just come to yours to read your letters, it sounds great!Lou and Jane are calling after too. Everything is fine, Oliver is saying a few more words, like 'ten' 'nine' 'sheep' and 'more', hes funny! I hear you have been feeding elephants, i bet that was scary!
Anyway have lots more fun and take care.
See you in 3weeks!! xxxxxxx
Hi Bill
ReplyDeleteJust to say we hope you had a great 19th Birthday and look forward to seeing you at the start of your next trip!
Love from us all D M H M
To Charles Lockhart
ReplyDeleteGot a post card today; sounds fantastic we cannot wait to hear all the stories especially about the elephants and the talent contest. Hope that the trek goes well and the weather is somewhat kinder than for the last group. Total rain; not good.
We are off the the farmers ball with the gang tonight which should be good. Signs are up for the Xmas tree festival and look great.
Anyway have a great time on the trek and rafting. Thinking of you often and looking froward to seeing you soon. Much love Dad
Hi Tina,
ReplyDeleteStephen here, hope you are well. Been reading your letters, sounds like you are having fun and enjoying yourself, cya when you get back :)
Hi Maddy
ReplyDeleteSorry I wasn't in when you spoke to Dad this afternoon. Carolyn from Raleigh in London has also been in touch to say that you are being well looked after and I will keep in touch with her to find our how you are getting along. Rest and take fluids and hopefully you should soon be back on your feet. Sorry I can't be with you with the ice pops and hugs, but will make up for it when you are back home!! Wishing you a speedy recovery so that you can join your group, or maybe they can find you something to do at field base?! Will send more messages whilst you are at the main camp. Your letter to Auntie Katherine arrived over the weekend - they were so pleased to receive it,Gran Hoole tells me that a copy has come back with her!Look forward to reading all about your adventures! I am also told that 2 letters are on their way over to India. I am going to write one too, to let you know what we have been doing over the past few weeks, maybe you might feel like writing in a day or two? Don't worry if not we can keep in touch via the blog.
So take care, get better soon, thinking of you all our love Mum, Dad, Jen and Dan and all the family xxxxx
Hi Tina
ReplyDeleteIt's Sunday evening and I've just finished all my weekend chores. X Factor is getting really boring but I'm a Celebrity is still good watching. Kim, you know her from Aggie and Kim( How Clean is Your Home)she's so brutal , a bit of a head case that one, I think she's really a man in drag!!
Jane and Louise came round on Thursday to pick up your letter, by the way thanks for our letter. Stephen cooked them tea, only pasta though. They looked at the blogs and photos on the website and filled us in with all the gossip. Did you know Louise got the job on the cruise ship? Marina also came round and Ste filled her in on what your up to.
We had SNOW forecast for the weekend and you know me I was sooooo.... excited, no it never came so I'm really disappointed.
I'm filming the school choir on Thursday evening at St James church. It's all for the Comenius Project ( you know , when I went to Norway).
The weather here is really awful, it's impossible to take the dogs out and I'm just sick of the rain.
Ste's been to Milton Keynes for the weekend so it's been nice and quiet here, I suppose I'd better make the most of it before you come home,
you know what I mean!!! not that your messy or anything like that.
I'm going now , I have written quite a few times but I'm not sure if your getting my letters and if I write now I don't think you'll get them before you leave so I'll keep writing blogs instead.
Looking forward to seeing you soon, love you lots, hugs and kisses,
Mikey, Hope your rafting went well ... were you warm? though wet, no doubt! Grandpa was here with me last week, lovely to have some company for a while. i've just had our women's Playback group here for an end of term party, well when i say party you would probably describe it as something else- a gathering maybe? we ATE loads of lovely food and drank mulled wine. the Christmas tree has gone up in the Civic Square, so Christmas is definitely coming... lights and adverts on tv for expensive presents. it's so good that you experience a different kind of festival season this year. (though OF COURSE we will miss you terribly) i will need a mobile number for you when you leave. i already have one of those international mobile cards so i can ring you easily. all is well here. it's Claire's birthday on Friday and then on saturday i'm catching an early train to London for the BIG "stop climate change" march. hoping there will be many many people there to make sure our voices are heard before the copenhagen summit this month. it's the best i can do for your future world. harry was on tv on sunday playing lead guitar for rhianna on x factor, so that was very exciting for everyone. i'm doing various performances this week so i'm keeping busy. still waiting to hear if alex has to be in london for christmas or if she can come to devon. so don't yet know where i'll be. hope your boots and gear are all that you need on this final phase and that you are taking in all the spectacular sights i imagine you are amongst. darling, sending you so much love and thinking of you lots and lots. keep enjoying tis wonderful adventure, love, mum xxxxxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteGEorgie P. Hi Georgie, hope the rafting and the trek went o.k., not too much rain and hopefully only a few leeches -they sound horrible. We have had loads of rain here, the wettest Nov. on record, Langport is surrounded by water but we are dry. This will be the last blog as time is running out and I guess you are back at base by now. Hope you have had a good time, its sounds as though it's been fun in spite of rain and leeches and I' m sure you will have made some good friends. Looking forwrd to hearing all the news when we come over on the 17th. Until then, take care and lots of love, Gran and Granddad. xxxx