It was a close competition, but well done to Alpha Three, who after a fantastic Bravo pull and a highly amusing skit were declared the Adventure Challenge champions. Their prize...a massive chocolate cake!
Despite the tiredness and aching muscles, venturers and staff managed to keep the music and dancing going as long as was physically possible (when the electricity was turned off) before an early start the next day and mad rush to get everything packed and cleared up before jumping on the buses up to Bangalore.
While our venturers had a two day journey ahead of them, most of the staff headed back to Mysore Fieldbase, where we've been busy with our "staff wash-up": a mass of paperwork and cleaning Fieldbase ready for the next expedition!
It's the final day of India 08F tomorrow; a chance to finish all final jobs before our staff party in Ooty in the evening. Looking back on the past two months since the first staff arrived mid-June, it seems amazing what has been achieved in such a short space of time - Raleigh India's first 5 week expedition has been a huge success and I for one can't believe we've come to the end!
I hope you've all enjoyed keeping an eye on how everything has been going here and thanks again for all your blog messages during the expedition. Check out our Raleigh website for up-to-date information about all our expeditions and events.

And I look forward to hearing from all our India 08F staff and venturers soon. You've all been fantastic and should be really proud of everything achieved both on Project Phase and during the Adventure Challenge. Myself and Jess, our 08F Expedition Coordinator, will be in touch soon about events and the all important expedition reunion - watch this space.
Bye for now and keep in touch!
The Adventure Phase

Alpha One – Ice Tang
The Adventure Phase in India is full of challenges, combining activities of cycling, trekking and rafting. It was full of sweat and tears but eventually our whole group made it through.
Throughout the phase it was not only physically challenging but also mentally a challenge too – we had to overcome heavy rucksacks, muddy roads, hot weather and leeches in our trek. At Top Station and Central Station we could see the beautiful scenery of Tamil Nadu and the life of some tribal people.
Rafting is combined Bamboo and River rafting. Because of a still current we spent five and half hours getting back to Hornbill Camp which is twice the time that the other groups took.
During the cycling activity, we came across a series of mountains that everyone was amazed and fascinated by.
To my family and friends,
I have finally finished the trekking and was bitten by leeches at some points! It was tough and full of challenges. I missed you all and especially my girlfriend Maggie
With love,
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