We have selected an exciting project for our first environmental phase. Working in conjunction with the Karnataka Forest Department, you will be working inside the stunning Nagarhole National Park to repair and maintain elephant trenches which are vital to protect villagers' precious crops. The elephant is a revered animal in India, however unfortunately there have been clashes between man and elephant throughout India as elephants will often trample crops in their search for food and indeed trample villages if they lie across their migratory paths. To protect themselves, villagers have been known to attack elephants in order to save their livelihoods. Our project partner, the World Wildlife Fund for Nature, has proposed two solutions to this problem, one of which is the elephant trench and the other is the installation of electric fences around agriculural land and villages. Protecting the unique biodiversity of this country is paramount to protect the dwindling tiger and elephant populations - a cause to which Raleigh is committed.
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