Sunday saw the start of the practical skills training for the PMs and VMs. This will equip them with the knowledge and skills they need to run their projects in the field when the Venturers arrive in two weeks’ time.
Sunday’s sessions focused on communications, casualty procedures and kit packing ready for the first expedition into the field – trek training.
This began at 06.00 on Monday when we all set off, rucksacks suitably laden, for a 12-kilometer trek and an overnight stay under canvas.
Trekking through the local countryside |
To the delight of all, this involved walking through local villages, in one of which we became quite an attraction. Stopping for some local tea (chai) in the village square, we were joined by what seemed like most of the village children and a number of adults.
Local children welcoming the Raleigh trekkers |
For a reason as yet unclear, Blair and a local man decided to engage in an (amicable) arm wrestling contest, which Blair won. To restore honour (and possibly avoid Blair being voted the new village strongman), the man then challenged him to a stone lifting and squatting contest, which Blair politely declined. The medics in the team – Harry, Sarah, Alex and George - appeared visibly relieved!
Blair and a local strongman engaged in a friendly game of arm wrestling |
The local strongman demonstrating his prowess |
Refreshed by the chai and fascinated by this exposure to local culture, we resumed our trek. We eventually arrived - unlost thanks to navigators Laura and Lou - at our destination (a field) in time to set up camp before a lunch cooked on trangias. (Have a look at the RALEIGH LINGO section under ‘Pages’ in the column on the right for an explanation of any terms you don’t understand.)
'It's not much but it's home - well, for a night anyway' |
Having satisfied one bodily need, after lunch we set about constructing a temporary facility – known as a ‘long drop’ to meet other bodily functions best glossed over.
The team constructing a long drop |
This was followed by the swim test for the PMs in the nearby river – the same as that done by most of the VMs last week. Yours truly, having done the test last week, had the enjoyable task of floating along on a rubber tyre as part of the safety precautions, these being a key feature of all Raleigh activities.
Graham about to start a restful float watching the PMs on their swim test |
After a welcome and tasty ‘boil in the bag’ dinner we settled for an evening’s conversation over a campfire, followed by an early night ready for another early start.
Tuesday morning saw us enjoying a porridge breakfast, dismantling the tents and long drop, and doing a brief ‘energizer’ – a Raleigh feature of all expeditions, in this instance a game of dwarfs, giants and dragons. At exactly 08.00 we set off to resume our trek.
A simple trek back to Fieldbase? Oh no. Hardly had we started when Dave emitted an ear-piercing scream and ‘collapsed’. After a second’s real concern, we realized he was acting and that this was a CASEVAC (casualty evacuation) exercise that had been sprung on us.
'Saving Dave' - the CASEVAC exercise underway |
George, who was leading the team at the time (and is a medic), handled the situation with admirable calm, supported by an enthusiastic team performing delegated roles, and within an hour Dave had been reassured, bandaged, cursed at for not being lighter (not part of the formal exercise), and stretchered to an ‘ambulance’ in the form of the Raleigh bus.
Dave visibly relieved at his remarkably speedy and full recovery |
After a debrief we returned by bus to Fieldbase and hot showers. After lunch came a spell of R&R in the form of a sightseeing visit to Mysore and an enjoyable dinner there.
The PMs are keenly awaiting the announcement of who will be working with whom on which project. Watch this space …